Microprocessors CSE- 341 Dr. Jia Uddin Assistant Professor, CSE, BRAC University
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Prerequisites CSE 260 (Digital Logic Design) Not really going to assume too much previous knowledge ! Basic Understanding and Good aptitude towards learning should be sufficient. So how much do you guys know about Microprocessors / Microcontrollers ?
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Why learn about Microprocessors? Interesting & Fun Most Important hardware of a Computer System. They affect the advancements of almost all electronic devices. Digital Cameras Mobile Phones Essentially the brain of the Computers we use today. Intel Pentium AMD Ability to analyze, design, implement, and test assembly language programs.
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcomputers Microprocessor Systems & its architecture Instruction Set and Addressing Modes Assembly Programming 8086/8088 Hardware Specifications Memory and I/O Interfacing Interrupts Programmable Peripheral Devices DMA controller Microprocessor interface ICs Course Outline
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Assessment: ComponentPercentage Attendance10% Mid – Term Exams20 % Final – Exams30% Class Test / Quiz/Assignment10% Lab20% Project/Term paper10%
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Books: Recommended Texts: Y. Liu and G. A. Gibson, “Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture, Programming Design”, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Douglas V. Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware” 2nd ed., Gloence McGraw Hill, M. Rafiquzzaman, “Microprocessors: Theory and Applications: Intel and Motorola”, Revised ed., Prentice Hall, Core Text: Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, and Pentium 4 - Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing”, Seventh Edition,
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Introduction: What is a Microprocessor? What is a Microcontroller? A microprocessor (abbreviated as µP or uP) is an electronic computers central processing unit (CPU) made from miniaturized transistors and other circuit elements on a single semiconductor integrated circuit (IC). It performs arithmetic, logic and control operations. It contains a control unit, an arithmetic & logic unit, registers and links to store data and connect to peripherals. Dedicated to performing one task. Integrates the memory and other features of a microprocessor.
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Intel Core i7 Intel 8086
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Low-end – Simple control use. (Traffic Lights.) High-end – Complicated Controllers.(Robotics, Avionics etc.) Data Processing. (CPU) Applications: Control – Where the processor is used to control/perform actions. Data Processing – Data Manipulation and Calculations. Application Types: Uses: Most applications we use are high-end and use microprocessors for both Control and Data Processing.
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Complexity Microelectronic Device Complexity: SSI (Small Scale Integration) - Less than 10 gates MSI (Medium Scale Integration) - Between 10 gates and 100 gates. LSI (Large Scale Integration) - Between 100 and a gates VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) - Greater then gates Almost all current applications require VLSI.
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Microcomputer System Microprocessor (CPU) Timing Bus Control logic Interface Memory Module Interface Mass Storage Device Interface I/O Devices
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Components Hardware : CPU – Microprocessor Unit (MPU) Logical, Arithmetic computations and control operations Timer –Produces evenly spaced clock pulses Needed for synchronization. – Now Integrated Memory Modules – Multiple They hold both data and instructions. I/O Subsystem – External Devices and mass storage. Bus System – Communication lines Interface – Allows connection of Bus to devices. Buffering and decoding are two major functions.
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Software: System Software Collection of programs needed in the creation, preparation and execution of other programs ( Operating Systems – Windows XP) High-Level Language – Instructions that are closer to English and the mental model used by programmers to solve problems. Translated to machine language using Compiler or Interpreter. Programming: User Software Software which helps solve different problems and provides user level functionality. ( Applications – Microsoft Power Point) Machine Language – Is understood and run by computer Assembly Language – Closely linked to Machine language, more readable for humans, Usually 1-1 mapping, translated to machine language using Assembler
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Operations CPU/Microprocessor should support : 1.Assignment and Arithmetic expression 2. Unconditional Branches 3. Conditional Branches (Relational & Logical Expression) 4.Looping 5.Arrays and other Data Structures 6.Subroutines 7.I/O Operations
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Typical Microprocessor Architecture I/O Control Logic Control Unit Program Counter (PC ) Instructions Register Processor Status Word (PSW) Stack Pointer (SP) Working Registers Address Registers.. Arithmetic Registers.. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University Reasons for using Microprocessors Cost Flexibility Development Time Speed Reliability
You need to memorize this Architecture Dr. Jia Uddin, CSE, BRAC University
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