Aims Introduce evidence-based practice Develop an understanding of growth vs. fixed mindset Sharing / developing practice: how can we instill a growth mindset through PSHE? Outcomes Identify immediate, short-term, medium-term and long-term steps we can take to instill a growth mindset through PSHE Evidence-based practice: Instilling a growth mindset through PSHCE
Last JPDD – guided visualisation / meditation scripts Lots of evidence that efforts to develop mindfulness lead to academic and affective gains 1. Guided Visualisation: The Concentration Beam Lighthouse
Lots of interest in evidence-based practices – books, websites, social media Evidence-based teacher network (EBTN) John Hattie – Visible Learning 2. Evidence-based practice growth mindset
What works? Self reported grades (d = 1.44) Response to intervention Teacher credibility Providing formative assessments Classroom discussion Teacher clarity Quality of teacher’s feedback Reciprocal teaching Teacher-student relationships Spaced vs. mass practice Meta-cognitive strategies Acceleration Classroom behavioural techniques Vocabulary programs Repeated reading programs Creativity programs Student prior achievement Self-questioning by students Study skills Problem-solving teaching Not labeling students Concept mapping Cooperative learning Direct instruction Tactile stimulation programs Mastery learning Worked examples Visual-perception programs Peer tutoring Cooperative vs competitive learning Phonics instruction Student-centered teaching Classroom cohesion Peer influences Classroom management techniques Outdoor adventure (d = 0.52)
Self reported grades (d = 1.44) Response to intervention Teacher credibility Providing formative assessments Classroom discussion Teacher clarity Quality of teacher’s feedback Reciprocal teaching Teacher-student relationships Spaced vs. mass practice Meta-cognitive strategies Acceleration Classroom behavioural techniques Vocabulary programs Repeated reading programs Creativity programs Student prior achievement Self-questioning by students Study skills Problem-solving teaching Not labeling students Concept mapping Cooperative learning Direct instruction Tactile stimulation programs Mastery learning Worked examples Visual-perception programs Peer tutoring Cooperative vs competitive learning Phonics instruction Student-centered teaching Classroom cohesion Peer influences Classroom management techniques Outdoor adventure (d = 0.52) Next two factors? What works?
Self reported grades (d = 1.44) Response to intervention Teacher credibility Providing formative assessments Classroom discussion Teacher clarity Quality of teacher’s feedback Reciprocal teaching Teacher-student relationships Spaced vs. mass practice Meta-cognitive strategies Acceleration Classroom behavioural techniques Vocabulary programs Repeated reading programs Creativity programs Student prior achievement Self-questioning by students Study skills Problem-solving teaching Not labeling students Concept mapping Cooperative learning Direct instruction Tactile stimulation programs Mastery learning Worked examples Visual-perception programs Peer tutoring Cooperative vs competitive learning Phonics instruction Student-centered teaching Classroom cohesion Peer influences Classroom management techniques Outdoor adventure (d = 0.52) Socio-economic background Home environment What works?
Self reported grades (d = 1.44) How can we “get in front” of students’ expectations? What works?
Eduardo Briceno CEO, Mindset Works – co-founded with Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell 3. Growth mindset video
4. Growth mindset practices at PACA Learning for Life programme – whole-school approach to Learning to Learn PSHCE plus additional components, e.g.: Who?What?Why? Whole school Shared language of learning, based on ‘Building Learning Power’ approach Joined-up diet of learning Promote meta-cognition
Talking about learning
School as a ‘Learning Gymnasium’ – processes of learning = ‘learning muscles’ Powerful metaphor, student-friendly language Based around the idea of the expandability of intelligence Widely used in the UK and worldwide – Expansive Education network Building Learning Power – Guy Claxton
Passion Determination Team work Creativity Problem solving Risk taking PACA learners: Listen Consider others Persuade Don’t give up Discuss Empathise Negotiate Take responsibility Adapt Collaborate Agree Make links Explore Explain Question Evaluate Imagine Analyse Notice problems Present Plan Identify Consider Argue Debate Self-manage Memorise Illustrate Think together Set targets Manage distractions Celebrate Practise Simplify Change your mind Hypothesise Become absorbed Notice Suggest Experiment Model Challenge Different versions for different students / subjects Entrepreneurial attributes Learning muscles
4. Growth mindset practices at PACA Who?What?Why? Whole school Shared language of learning, based on ‘Building Learning Power’ approach Joined-up diet of learning Promote meta-cognition Year 7 Meditation / visualisations Exploratory talk – collaboration, ground rules Six Building Learning Power projects – skills focus (teamwork, research, presentation...) Mindfulness self-monitoring Raises attainment, transfer Focusing on the processes of learning improves performance Learning for Life programme – whole-school approach to Learning to Learn PSHCE plus additional components, e.g.:
4. Growth mindset practices at PACA Who?What?Why? Whole school Shared language of learning, based on ‘Building Learning Power’ approach Joined-up diet of learning Promote meta-cognition Year 7 Meditation / visualisations Exploratory talk – collaboration, ground rules Six Building Learning Power projects – skills focus (teamwork, research, presentation...) Mindfulness self-monitoring Raises attainment, transfer Focusing on the processes of learning improves performance Year 8, 12, 13 PSHE through CoPE / AoPE (Level 2 / 3) Project-based learning applying learning Harrison, James & Last (2011): Significantly more CoPE/AoPE students passed GCSE English and Maths, esp. SEN, FSM, BME Learning for Life programme – whole-school approach to Learning to Learn PSHCE plus additional components, e.g.:
Exploratory talk ground rules: Always give a reason“I think _________ because _________” Make sure everybody contributes“What do you think?” … “Why?” Make sure everybody agrees“Do we all agree?” … “Can we move on?” Group activities: In groups of 3, use exploratory talk to complete the two card sort activities: Card sort A: Sort the yellow ‘cloud statements’ into fixed and growth mindset piles Card sort B: EITHER: Place each statement along a continuum from “quick fix” to “culture change”. OR: Arrange them into two columns, then rank each column. Group discussion (P4C “thumbs” method) Were there more “quick fix” or “culture change” ideas? What else is needed – PSHCE-specific? How easy did you find it to follow the ground rules? 5. Group activities: modeling exploratory talk