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But now we are released from the law, having died to the which held us captive, so that we serve not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit.
Map It Out Wretched – Miserable, distressed. Carnal – Acting like an unsaved person; following the urges of the sinful human nature. Carnal is the opposite of spiritual or mature.
7:1-3 Verse 1 Paul is probably speaking primarily to the Jews, because they would be the ones that knew the law. He tells them that the law only applies to the living. Verses 2-3 If a woman is married and her husband dies she is free to remarry because death broke the covenant they had made. And she cannot be married to two different people at once.
7:4-6 Verse 4.a We have died to sin. We died with Christ so that we may be married to another. Verses 4.b-6 4.b We are now married to the one who died for us and rose for us. We are now married to Christ. 5 When we were married/under sin our actions lead to fruit that resulted in death for us and others. 6 But we are no longer under the law which held us captive. Because of this we are no longer under the written code we are now to be lead by the Holy Spirit.
7:7-12 Verse 7.a Since our sinful passions were aroused, or stirred up, by the law doesn’t that mean that the law is sinful. Verse 7.b Once again by no means, or it doesn’t even exist. This is not even a possibility. The same phrase Paul used in chapter 6.
7:7-12 (Continued) Verses 7.c-12 7.c The law helped us define sin, with the intention being for good but we often use it for bad. The law showed us what our heart had inside of it that we may more fully know who God is and that we need him. 8 But in explaining the sins of our heart to us it made us more aware of those sins and with that information we sinned more. Sin was always in our hearts because they we’re not focused on God, the law simply made a way for the sin in our hearts to manifest themselves more easily in our daily lives.
7:7-12 (Continued) Verses 7.c-12 (Continued) 9-11 In being perfect before God we have life and the ability to have righteousness on our own and so in giving the law there was the potential to be alive in Christ. But instead of achieving righteousness through the law the sinful nature of our hearts used the law for sin and brought about death to us 12 And so Paul concludes that the law and the commandments are good and righteous and holy; not sinful like some would assume.
7:13-20 Verse 13 Paul is talking here about the believer. So did the good law bring death to us as sinners? Not a possibility. It was sin that brought death, just as Paul had said before. Sin produced death in what was good and showed us that the sin in our heart was indeed sin, and that sin might use the commandment to be sinful beyond measuring, or to an extraordinary quantity. Verse 14 The law is spiritual but we are of the flesh. We were sold under sin by the actions of Adam. And because of this even believers sin.
7:13-20 (Continued) Verses Paul emphasizes this point in saying that he does not understand his actions. Now that he is saved he wants to obey the commands and follow God’s law but that he finds himself doing the very thing he hates; sinning. And if does what he does not want to do, obey the law, then it is no longer him that is doing it but merely obeying the law in deed which is also sin Here Paul confesses that nothing good that is in him is of him because he knows the passions of his heart. He knows that he regularly is pulled into doing sin because of the desires of his heart and that he still has a sin nature that gets the better of him.
7:21-25 Verse 21 The truth is that even though we are saved there is still a conflict within us every time we have the opportunity to do what is right. Verses in our inner being, as Christians we want to please God and obey his commands but, because of our sin nature, there is also parts of us that want to do what is sinful and we often find ourselves giving into those leadings. Verse24 This inward battle is so fierce in Paul that he cries out that he hates this inward battle that he has and wishes that he would grow past it. Something that as Christians we sometimes find ourselves doing as well. Verse 25 In this last first we see Paul rejoicing because he knows that Christ still loves him and saved him knowing this battle would wage in him and despite it. he also rejoices in the fact that God has promised to finish what he has started in Paul and there fore knows that his battle will not last forever but one day he, because of Christ and not himself, will have victory over it.
Buckle it in Romans 12:12 I Timothy 4:13 II Timothy 2:4 II Timothy 2:22 II Timothy 3:15
The law of Moses was a written account of …
The law of Moses was a written account of what God expected from the people of Israel.
Fill in the blanks. The law of sin and death governed us ______ ______ ______ ______.
Fill in the blanks. The law of sin and death governed us before we were saved.
Why were the Romans familiar with the writings of Moses?
Why were the Romans familiar with the writings of Moses? Many of the people were converted Jews, and the law was their religion. The Gentiles would also have had access to the writings of Moses
God gave the law so people could know…
God gave the law so people could know exactly what sin is.
What are three facts that Paul wanted the Romans to know about the Mosaic law?
1.The law shows us our sin. 2.The law is not a set of rules for the Christian to follow in order to be acceptable to God. 3.The law creates conflict in our lives
True or False. The law is a set of rules for the Christian to follow.
True or False. The law is a set of rules for the Christian to follow. FALSE
Fill in the blanks. The law of sin and death battles against the law of the ______ ______ ______.
Fill in the blanks. The law of sin and death battles against the law of the Spirit of Life.
Why was Paul in anguish?
Why was Paul in anguish? He wanted to do what was right, but instead he did what was wrong.
How long do you have to be a Christian before the struggle between your old, sinful self and your new life in Christ stops?
How long do you have to be a Christian before the struggle between your old, sinful self and your new life in Christ stops? The struggle lasts all your life.
Describe in your own words the “weapons” we need to win the battle between our old, sinful self and our new nature.
Tessa – Shana Grades – Logan Carlita Harten (Surgery) - David Prayer Requests