Dr Pedro Amarante Andrade Head & Neck 4 Larynx & Phonation Dr Pedro Amarante Andrade Marianne Bos-Clark
LARYNX/PHONATION SOURCES/READING Atkinson & McHanwell (2002) Basic Medical Science for SLT students London: Whurr Ch.16 Neck/Larynx Ch.17 Phonation Mathieson (2001) Greene & Mathiesosn’s The Voice & Its Disorders London: Whurr Ch.2 Larynx/ Upper resp. tract Ch.4 Voice and phonation Standard anatomy/physiology texts Internet
LARYNX/PHONATION Structure Lx: Cartilages Muscles Vocal folds Innervation Function: Normal voice production Voice quality
Breathing Protection Phonation Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack Breathing Protection Phonation Taken from Blausen.com staff: “Blausen galery 2014”. Wikiversity Journal of Medicine
LARYNX LOCATION Laryngeal cartilages. Taken from (Olias 2004)
LARYNX – ANTERIOR & POSTERIOR VIEWS Laryngeal cartilages. Taken from (Olias 2004)
LARYNX – POSTERIOR & LATERAL VIEWS Laryngeal cartilages. Taken from (Olias 2004)
LARYNX- SAGITTAL VIEW From Gray's Anatomy 1918 edition. Public domain
LARYNX – POSTERIOR & FROM ABOVE From Gray's Anatomy 1918 edition. Public domain
LARYNGEAL CARTILAGES 9 cartilages, 3 unpaired, 3 paired Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Epiglottis Arytenoid cartilages Minor cartilages: corniculate & cuneiform
EPIGLOTTIS Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack
EPIGLOTTIS Epiglottis in action Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack
THYROID Largest of the laryngeal cartilages; Titze IR. Physiologic and acoustic differences between male and female voices. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1989;85(4):1699-1707 Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack Largest of the laryngeal cartilages; Composed by two plate-like laminae; Laryngeal prominence – Adam’s apple; Houses the vocal folds;
THYROID – SAGITTAL VIEW Epiglottis Hyoid Bone Thyroid cartilage Vocal folds Arytenoid Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack Cricoid
CRICOID from Greek ‘ring-shaped’; Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack from Greek ‘ring-shaped’; Only complete ring of cartilage around the trachea; Sits on the top of the trachea;
ARYTENOIDS Pyramid-shaped pair of cartilages; Culture & Language Sciences – Information pack Pyramid-shaped pair of cartilages; Base slides on the top to of the cricoid; its lateral angle is called muscular process Its anterior angle is called the vocal process;
LARYNGEAL STRUCTURE Laryngeal membranes Thyrohyoid membrane Cricotracheal membrane Cricothyroid membrane ligament Laryngeal Joints Cricothyroid Cricoarytenoid
LARYNGEAL INLET Laryngeal vestibule infra/supra-glottis True VF False VF/vestibular folds Ventricular/laryngeal sinus
VOCAL FOLDS vocal fold (left/right); ventricular fold; trachea; epiglottis; arytenoid cartilage;
EXTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Suprahyoid (elevators) Digastric Stylohyoid Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Infrahyoid (depressors) Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Omohyoid Thyrohyoid
CRICOTHYROID MUSCLE (CT) 28.4.2017 Divided into two parts: Vertical/Straight and Oblique; Only intrinsic muscles innervated by the ‘external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve’ Contraction of vertical part of CT rotates the thyroid forward; Contraction of the oblique part pulls the thyroid forward; Cricothyroid joint;
OTHER INTRINSIC MUSCLES 28.4.2017 (TA) Thyroarytenoid muscles (IA) Interarytenoid muscle (LCA) Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle ( PCA) Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle
All above muscles are innervated by the ‘recurrent laryngeal nerve’ INTRINSIC MUSCLES and their function 28.4.2017 All above muscles are innervated by the ‘recurrent laryngeal nerve’
Principles of Voice Production. Titze, 2000 VOCAL FOLDS HISTOLOGY Principles of Voice Production. Titze, 2000
LARYNX Innervation
LARYNGEAL INNERVATION X VAGUS All innervation intrinsic laryngeal muscles Sensory structures larynx Superior laryngeal nerve: internal & external superior branches Left & right recurrent laryngeal nerve
LARYNGEAL INNERVATION X Vagus All innervation intrinsic laryngeal muscles Sensory structures Lx
LARYNGEAL INNERVATION X Vagus Superior laryngeal nerve: internal & external superior branches Left & right recurrent laryngeal nerve
PHONATION Own Work, following M. Hirano, The vocal cord during phonation, Igaku no Ayumi 80 (1968), no. 10. Author: Reinhard
PERCEPTUAL VOICE EVALUATION GRBAS (Hirano 1986) Rate the voice samples, for parameters Grade Rough Breathy Asthenia (weakness) Strain Scoring 0 = normal 1 = mild 2 = moderate 3 = severe If relevant, comment on amplitude & fundamental frequency or anything else you may notice about the voice LCSD08H | Voice and Fluency
PHONATION: VOICE QUALITY Judging voice quality on perceptual scales such as the GRBAS (Hirano 1986) G2R2B2A1S0 0=normal; 1=mild; 2=moderate; 3=severe
PHONATION: VOICE QUALITY GRBAS it: 0=normal; 1=mild; 2=moderate; 3=severe VOICE 01 VOICE 02 VOICE 03 VOICE 04 VOICE 05
EXAM PREP Explore the larynx on Anatomy TV Make sure you have a good understanding of the basic structure and function of the larynx, as well as the methods of examination used by ENT/Specialist SLTs