Section C Blood Brothers E HOLMES 2011
Aims To gain knowledge and understanding of how to answer a Section C about a performer. To be able to complete a series of learning games and exercises based on this. E HOLMES 2011
Task today We are going to look at how you might answer the following question; Choose one live theatre production you have seen during your course where the actors created moments in the play that you found comic and/or tense. Choose one actor from this live production. 4.Describe in detail how your chosen actor used voice, movement and facial expressions to create comedy and/or tension in at least one scene or section. (20 marks) 5.Evaluate the effectiveness of this actor’s creation of comedy and/or tension in your chosen scene(s) or section(s). You should refer to particular moments from the production and give clear reasons to support your answer. (20 marks) E HOLMES 2011
Starter Turn to the person next to you and create a pose for your character in Find Me. Now you have two mins to try and write down that pose in as much description as you can. Now pass this description onto the person next to you. They now have to try and recreate this pose. Fianlly the originated of the pose has to judge whether this is a good recreation of the original pose. E HOLMES 2011
Why is this important? When you describe to the examiner what the performer did in the scene or section then you must describe it as much detail as you can so much that you paint a picture for the examiner so much so that they could recreate it themselves. E HOLMES 2011
Task 2 Now choose a character from Blood Brothers that you felt created a particularly comic/tragic character in a particular scene. Draw this character out labelling it with the following things; - the character’s age, gender, status, relationships with other characters in the play. E HOLMES 2011
Why is this important? You have to know and understand the character to be able to describe the character in your answer to the examiner. These points will help to justify the points about why the character was particularly comic and show your understanding to the examiner. E HOLMES 2011
Task 3 Now in a pair create a chart based using the following bullet points as headings; vocal, physical and facial expression use of space; use of props movement and gesture pace, pitch, pause, tone, emphasis; use of accent interpretation of character/creation of a plausible role interaction with other characters and/or with the audience application of comic method, timing, physical theatre skills or other specialist skills (as appropriate) creation of empathy, sympathy or distancing from the audience E HOLMES 2011
Task 3 Continued... Now thinking about the character that you chose in Task 2 write in each column points that you would make. E HOLMES 2011
Why is this important? In the exam the column headings that I gave you are exactly what the examiner would be looking for you to describe in your answer. E HOLMES 2011
Plenary Pass around your chart and character drawing to another pair. Once you have received this information from another pair you must now assess how effective this character was at creating comedy/tragedy based on the descriptions and information you have been given. You should think about; the age and status of the character played by the chosen actor (as appropriate to comedy or tension) competence in performance skills including voice, movement and facial expression to create comedy and/or tension use of costume and/or mask; use of space; use of props in pursuit of comedy and/or tension actor’s intentions for the audience and of audience reaction interaction with other characters and/or the audience to create comedy and/or tension awareness of period/style/genre in the creation of comedy and/or tension success in terms of the playwright’s/director’s intentions. To do this colour code their chart by highlighting effective points in a particular colour. E HOLMES 2011
Drama HWK: Due in Choose one live theatre production you have seen during your course where the actors created moments in the play that you found comic and/or tense. Choose one actor from this live production. 4.Describe in detail how your chosen actor used voice, movement and facial expressions to create comedy and/or tension in at least one scene or section. (20 marks) E HOLMES 2011