Building Effective Partnerships with Your Help Desk How to engage and communicate for improved performance
Asima Macci Stacie Oste Maria Parrish Danette Shaifer Presenter Info
What NOT to do: How to make your Help Desk HATE you Discuss how to counter those bad habits and build better partnerships between support teams Objectives
Who is considered “support personnel” when it comes to change management to systems? Your Turn
Using 1-3 words, what is your biggest challenge when building effective internal partnerships between support teams?GO! Chat Exercise
Have open discussions with the appropriate personnel/managers at the beginning stages of a change Understand what the help desk needs/requires to be able to support the change Include help desk in the change management process Don’t communicate. Ever. Especially about future network updates or software rollouts. Don’t communicate. Ever. Especially about future network updates or software rollouts.
Troubleshooting/Support Focused Training Help desk SME identified Escalation process outlined/communicated FAQ’s and Troubleshooting Tip QRG’s End-user training before and during launch RECORD AND MAKE BOTH AVAILABLE FOR REFERENCE Give the same training as end users. And not in advance.
Do you have an effective method of communicating identified solutions with other support personnel? Your Turn
Sharing is caring. Why recreate the troubleshooting wheel! KB articles and/or documented solutions to ticketing systems /distribute to support personnel ASAP Don’t share or document solutions. Assume others already know.
Listen to calls Say Thank You Brainstorming Sessions Ask for Help Other Tips for Engaging with your Help Desk
Communication and collaboration are the key to delivering exceptional support services and engaging with your Help Desk. Software Change Considerations Template Project Plan/Communication Plan Template Take Away:
Q & A
Hope to see you at ILTACON 2015 in Las Vegas! THANK YOU!
Don’t emphasize customer service skills, it’s just not important.
Don’t use a change management process – they love surprises!
What’s the best way to do this?…discussion should include: certifications, recording training and make available to anyone who missed it, track their training, distributing the knowledge, etc. Do you have “experts” in specific topics? How keep their knowledge up? Distribute the calls to those experts? Don’t offer any professional development.
They won’t be able to execute what they aren’t aware of. Don’t share your vision or goals for the Help Desk with them.
Those keep them going! They are the most visible “faces” of the IT Department and positive recognition is frequently few and far between. All they hear is the bad so they MUST be given credit for wins and atty boys. Never share any kudos received by the Help Desk with them. They don’t need to know that.