Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Define cognitive-behavior therapy
Based on a combination of substituting healthy thoughts for negative thoughts and beliefs and changing disruptive behaviors in favor of healthy behaviors
Define humanistic therapy
Is a form of therapy that uses active listening, acceptance, and support to help patients see and fulfill their potential.
Define transference
The process of a client feeling toward a therapist the way he or she feels toward some other important person. They client then can feel and realize what is happening.
What is the purpose of dream analysis and how do therapists use it?
Helps therapists identify unconscious thoughts, feelings, and motives. Manifest content is the part of the dream that is remembered. Latent content refers to the hidden meanings represented symbolically.
Explain the process of psychoanalysis.
Uses free association and dream analysis techniques to understand unconscious thoughts and motives.
List and describe the techniques involved in client-centered therapy
Uses nondirective therapy and active listening in an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard
Define behavior therapy
Is a type of therapy that uses counter conditioning, operant conditioning, and systematic desensitization.
A technique in which people are urged to imagine a feared situation in order to extinguish the fear is called ______.
Systematic desensitization
List and explain the biological approaches to treatment
Drug therapy treats symptoms of various disorders. ECT causes a convulsion and can help those with severe depression.
How do aversive conditioning and contingency management work?
Associates negative feelings or results with undesired behaviors to allow the person to begin to change behavior. In contingency management, the therapist and client decide what old behaviors need to be eliminated.
Describe how antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, and antianxiety drugs work as therapy.
These approaches to treatment assume that there is an underlying physiological reason for the disturbed behavior.
Why is psychosurgery controversial and why is it used?
Is the surgical removal of a portion of the brain. Its controversial because it’s irreversible and may not work.
What is lithium carbonate and what is it used for?
The chemical lithium carbonate is widely used to return manic-depressive people to a state of equilibrium in which extreme mood swings disappear.
How does cognitive therapy differ from behavior therapy?
Cognitive therapists seek to change beliefs that will change the way people feel about events.
List and describe rational-emotive therapy techniques.
Role playing allows people to see how their beliefs affect their relationships. Modeling demonstrates other ways of thinking and acting. Humor can point out the absurdity of beliefs.
Explain Beck’s cognitive therapy.
Focus is on illogical thought processes. Use persuasion and logic to change existing beliefs and encourage clients to engage in actual tests of their own beliefs.
List and describe 2 examples of group therapy and how these types of therapy help patients.
Family therapy helps families who are dealing with communication issues. Self- help groups such as AA allow people to help one another work through problems they have in common.
What are the goals of therapy and what is meant by the eclectic approach?
The primary goal of psychotherapy is to strengthen the clients control over his or her life.
List and briefly describe five kinds of therapists.
Clinical psychologists treat people with psychological disorders in hospitals. Clinical neurophysiologists work with brain injuries. Psychiatrists prescribe medications. Psychoanalysts practice psychotherapy.
What are the functions of psychotherapy?
Is helping people realize that they are responsible for their problems and that they are the only ones who can solve them.