Your task: Find five quotes from the book that speak to you (use pages only…please do not choose quotes that we’ve already read together in class) -- this can mean quotes that surprise you, teach you something new, anger you, inspire you, help you make important connections etc… Write each quote down on your paper (include the page #), explain why you chose it, then explain how this quote adds to your knowledge of slavery. If the quote is exceptionally long, write what fits on the line, followed by an ellipse…. I don’t want you to be discouraged by long quotes if those are the ones that speak to you! To note: everything in italics is written by the author, Julius Lester. You may use his words as well…. Prepare to share and discuss your choices in small group. GO
In your group of 3 or 4: Head to your assigned table with your quotes sheet and a novel I will choose a leader Each group member will share 3 quotes total, one per “round”-- when sharing also include why you chose the quote, and reflect on its meaning. After three rounds of sharing, group will determine their #1 most powerful quote. This quote will be shared with the class. The group leader gets to choose who will read this quote. If the quote was ellipsed on your paper, please read the full quote directly from the book