Holes Compare –find the similarities between 2 things. Contrast-find the differences between 2 things.
Stanley In Section A list qualities to describe Stanley. Use your book and find unique characteristics for Stanley.
Zero In Section B list qualities to describe Zero. Use your book and find unique characteristics for Zero.
Shared Characteristics In Section C list qualities that are shared between the two characters. Use your book to find shared characteristics for Stanley and Zero.
Compare and Contrast Essay Use you Venn diagram to write a compare and contrast essay of 3 paragraphs. The 1 st paragraph should discuss characteristics about Stanley. The 2 nd paragraph should discuss characteristics about Zero The 3 rd paragraph should be about characteristics shared by both characters.
Paragraph Remember a paragraph should contain 5 sentences: 1 st sentence is the topic sentence. What is the paragraph about. 2 nd -3 rd -4 th sentences should contain details about the topic. 5 th sentence should be the conclusion sentence. How can you sum up the paragraph.
Draft Get your ideas down on paper Don’t worry about grammar mistakes work on ideas and supporting details from the book.
Proofread Final Copy Edit your paragraphs Correct mistakes. Write neatly your final copy. Make sure you head your paper with your name/date/ subject/class period. Include a title for your essay. Final copy due on Friday-February 26, 2016.