Compare/Contrast Essay Writing Writing Lesson 1: Thesis Statements
I. In general, essays need an introduction, body paragraphs, & a conclusion A. The introduction needs three things: 1. Background to topic (who, when, where, what, etc.) a. 3+ sentences 2. A “bridge” to your thesis statement a. It can be a sentence, or b. It can be a transitional word/phrase so that your thesis does not come out of nowhere -Examples: Therefore, However, As a result, etc. 3. A thesis statement a. A single sentence that previews the main topic and what your supporting paragraphs will be about b. It should be the last sentence of the introduction. c. It is the MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE of your essay, so get it right.
II. Compare/contrast essay thesis statement A. It will preview similarities and/or differences of the essay B. At WHS, you will usually compare two things in three ways 1. We call the areas “subjects” 2. We call the ways “points” C. EXAMPLE THESIS STATEMENT: “Soccer and football contrast in their rules, time of game, and skills needed.” 1. Subjects: ______________________ 2. Points: ________________________ 3. How many similarities between the subjects?_____ 4. How many differences? _____ D. EXAMPLE THESIS #2: “Whereas soccer and football both take place on a big field, the skills and rules are quite different.” (REPEAT WHAT YOU DID FOR “C”)
Worksheet on C/C Thesis Statements Share with partner. Check over. Prepare to share with class.
Now let’s combine the two parts of today’s lesson Using the compare/contrast thesis statement lesson and everything you learned today on pages 4 and 5, write two good compare/contrast thesis statements on the following subjects: 1.Anthropology & archaeology 2.Relative dating methods and absolute dating methods When you’re finished, share with a partner. If the thesis statements look good, share them with me. If I agree they look good, you’re finished for the day!