Scope of Accreditation Katerina Bouranta Physicist MSc. Dynamics of Engineering Structures TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September 20151
Technical fields in Scope of Accreditation according ISO/IEC Some examples of technical fields in Scope of Accreditation (SoA) of the accredited inspection bodies are the following: Construction materials/products Non-destructive testing Lifts Machinery Pressure vessels Lifting equipment Vehicles Tanks etc. TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September 20152
Scope of Accreditation The accredited activities are identified in Scope of Accreditation, which is a document accompanying the Certificate of Accreditation. The Scope of Accreditation shall be defined in the schedule in sufficiently precise terms that potential customers may establish accurately and unambiguously the general field of inspection, the type and range of inspection and, where applicable, the regulations, standards or specifications containing the requirements against which the inspection will be performed. TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September 20153
Field of Certification Type of Certification Normative Regulations / Standards / (and In House Procedures) Lifts Electrical lifts - EC-type examination (Annex V B ) - Final inspection (Annex VI) - Unit verification (Annex Χ) Directive 95/16/EC M.D /1308/97 (G.G. 815/Β/97) ELOT ΕΝ 81.1:1999 Hydraulic liftsELOT ΕΝ 81.2:1999 ELOT ΕΝ 81.70:2004 Lift constructional elements - EC-type examination of constructional elements (Annex V A) - Conformity to type with sampling checking (Annex IX) Directive 95/16/EC M.D /1308/97 (G.G. 815/Β/97) ELOT ΕΝ 81.1:1999 ELOT ΕΝ 81.2:1999 TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September Scope of Accreditation as a Type A Inspection Body in line with E.C. Directives
TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September Scope of Accreditation Field of Inspection Type of Inspection Normative Regulations / Standards / In house procedures Transportable pressure equipment Transportable gas cylinders Periodic inspection -GR.LWI.24- Work instruction for transportable pressure vessels. Pressure equipment Cryogenic vessels Periodic inspection -R.D 277/1963-G.G 65A -J.M.D D3/14858/(G.G.477/B/1993) -J..M.D31856/2003(G.G.1257/B/2003) -ELOT EN GR.LWI.35 - Work instruction for inspection of Cryogenic vessels Simple pressure vessels 1. Installations for the periodic re- inspections of refilled pressure vessels with maximum capacity 450 l Periodic re-inspection Approval of observance and regulations of operation. Surveillance of observance and regulations of operation -M.D /F17.4/373/ (G.G. 673/ B/93) -J.M.D D3/14858((G.G. 477/B/93 (& )) -GR.LWI.25- Work instruction for simple pressure vessels with maximum capacity 450 l. as a Type A Inspection Body in the voluntary sector and /or according to the National Legislative Regulations
TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September Scope of Accreditation Field of Inspection Type of Inspection Normative Regulations / Standards / In house procedures Fixed tanks (tank - vehicles), demountable tanks and tank-containers and tank swap bodies, with shells made of metallic materials, and battery-vehicles and multiple element gas containers (MEGCs) - Initial inspection - Inspection for type approval - Periodic inspection - Exceptional inspection - J.M.D /4862(G.G. 2514/B/13) - ADR Agreement, Ch. 6.8 Vehicles (one stage built vans, lorries, trailers, tractors) for the carriage of dangerous goods. - Vehicles for the carriage of explosives substances (EXII, EXIII, MEMUs) - Tank - vehicles (ΑΤ, FL, OX) - Initial inspection - Periodic inspection - Exceptional inspection - J.M.D /4862 (G.G. 2514/B/13) - ADR Agreement, Ch. 9 as a Type A Inspection Body for the inspection of vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods according to the ADR Agreement
TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September Scope of Accreditation Field of Inspection Type of Inspection Normative Regulations / Standards / In house procedures Lifting equipment 1.Cranes(fixed or mobile) which are in function near the sea such as cranes in shipping construction, cranes for port services e.t.c 2. Cranes (fixed or mobile) used in steel industries, foundries or other plants where dangerous materials (such as flammables, explosives,toxics ) are transported, cranes with lifting capacity equal or more than 2 tn. Initial inspection and periodic re inspection (Type AA, Type A&B) -M.D /593 (G.G /08/2003) -Class Υ1, -F.E.M ISO :1994 -DIN 15018:Part 1 -GR.LWI.06- Work instruction for cranes in shipping construction and port services, steel, foundries and other installations. -Class Υ1, -F.E.M ISO :1994 -DIN 15018:Part 1,2 -GR.LWI.06- Work instruction for cranes in shipping construction and port services, steel, foundries or other installations. as a Type A Inspection Body in the voluntary sector and /or according to the National Legislative Regulations
Scope of Accreditation TAIEX Workshop on Better Understanding the Requirements for Accreditation Cairo 7-8 September Materials / Products to be tested Types of tests / Properties to be measured Applied methods / Techniques to be used Non-destructive tests using magnetic particles Ferromagnetic materialsIn situ inspection with magnetic particles and Yoke AC, HWDC & DC EΝ ISO : 2011 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes – Part 5: Magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections ASME 2010 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section V, Non Destructive Examination. Article 7 : Magnetic Particles Examination Non-destructive tests using penetrant fluids Metallic materialsIn situ inspection with visible and/or dye penetrants / Surface imperfections EN ISO : 2011 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes – Part 4: Liquid penetrant inspection of seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections ELOT ΕΝ : 1998 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings – Part 2: Penetrant testing Ultrasonic non-destructive tests Ferromagnetic materials and welds of metal plates Ultrasonic examination.Test methods: ΕΝ 583-1: 1999, ΕΝ 583-1/Α1: 2004Non destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 1: General principles ELOT ΕΝ :1998 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings