Raimonda Lebelionyt ė – Alseikien ė, social worker Summer camp “Migration and Human rights” Social support for migrants in detention: the things they were running from
Detention “Detention – deprivation of liberty or confinement in a closed place which an asylum – seekers (other migrants) is not permitted to leave at will, including, though not limited to, prisons or purpose-built detention, closed reception or holding centers facilities”. UNHCR Detention Guidelines, 2012 In terms of psycho – social status of migrants in DC the most risky moments are: Deprivation of liberty and vulnerability related on this; Lack of information; Lack of privacy; Personal “legacy” (being a child, minor, victim of torture, illness, disability)
Detention center (Foreigner Rregistration Center) Pabradė, Lithuania Under State Border Guard Service
Activities and challenges in detention (UNHCR project) Individual Social Consultations, Social Cconsultations for Group; Information providing; Humanitarian assistance deliveries; Events on occupation and leisure activities; Meetings of asylum-seekers women self-groups; Social worker is a part of team who provides different services to migrants.
How do you think are you properly dressed to start your working day in detention?
Some personal insights about daily work in detention SW doesn’t care is the story truth or false; SW is sensitive and flexible; SW never say it is your fault, but he/she recognize personal responsibility; SW never “knows better”, he/she tries to help to understand what’s going on; SW is very empathic, but he/she knows when to stop with the sympathy. SW believes in people.
How do you think: allowed or not allowed ?
Values VALUES - core beliefs that guide and motivate attitudes and actions ( What kind of values should social worker have?
Social worker works with Human beings Human being who.... Human being who..... Human being who...
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