Loretta L. Radulic, Assistant Superintendent Roxbury Township Public Schools October State Assessment Results and Analysis
Overview of State Assessments Grade 3 – 8: New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (ASK) Language Arts Literacy, Math Grade 4 and 8: Science ASK New Jersey Biology Competency Test (NJBCT) HSPA/AHSA: Language Arts, Math Field Testing: PARCC
Commissioner’s Convocation The fate of other states New Jersey State Assessments Common Core Content Critical Thinking
Goals of State Assessments: To measure and promote student achievement of challenging state curriculum standards. To provide accurate and meaningful information about student performance. To meet state and federal accountability requirements.
PARCC Field Testing Why? Examine the quality of items so that PARCC can build assessment forms for the school year Test out assessment administration procedures Give schools and districts the opportunity to experience the administration of PARCC assessment Technology capacity Logistics Student experience
PARCC Field Testing What kind of testing? Performance-Based Assessment (PBA): March 24-April 11, 2014 End-of-Year Assessment (EOY): May 5 – June 6, 2014
Performance-Based Assessment English Language Arts/Literacy will involve literature analysis, narrative writing, and research simulation tasks. Students will read passages and write several pieces to demonstrate that they can: read and understand sufficiently complex texts independently, write effectively when using and analyzing sources, and build and communicate knowledge by integrating, comparing, and synthesizing ideas.
Performance-Based Assessment Mathematics will involve tasks requiring students to demonstrate that they can: solve problems involving key knowledge and skills, express mathematical reasoning and construct mathematical arguments, and apply concepts to solve/model real-world problems.
End-of-Year Assessment English Language Arts/Literacy Requires students to demonstrate their ability to comprehend a range of sufficiently complex texts, including literature, literary nonfiction, and information text from history/social studies, science, and technical subjects, engage in the reading of texts that require them to draw conclusions, interpret the meaning of words and phrases and technical vocabulary, and compare, integrate, and synthesize ideas presented in texts.
End-of-Year Assessment Mathematics Requires students to demonstrate their ability to solve multi-step problems, conceptual questions, applications, and carry out substantial procedures.
PARCC Field Testing School NameGradeSubject Area Number of Classes Mode of Admin. ComponentNumber of Sessions RHS9ELA2onlinePBA3 EMS8ELA2onlinePBA3 EMS7Math2onlinePBA2 LR6Math2onlinePBA2 LR5ELA2onlineEOY2 dTest pdf
NCLB Design of new system: (370 schools) Priority Schools: low-performing schools in need of aggressive guidance due to low test scores and graduation rates Focus Schools: improvement needed in certain areas Progress Targets and Action Plans (reference March 2013 presentation)
Class of 2014 HSPA Results SubjectValid Scale Scores % Adv. Prof. % Proficient% Part. Prof. Language Arts Literacy Mathematics
Roxbury 2013 State LAL Results compared with DFG (GH) and State ASK 3ASK4ASK 5ASK 6ASK 7ASK 8HSPA RSD DFG (GH) NJ
Roxbury 2013 State Math Results compared with DFG (GH) and State ASK 3ASK 4ASK 5ASK 6ASK 7ASK 8HPSA RSD DFG (GH) NJ
How Do We Use The Data? Test comparison: Analysis for trends. Cohort comparison: Compare students to their own performance in previous year. Analyze State and DFG comparison. Analyze results for sections within subject areas, the clusters, such as Number & Numerical Operations or Text Analysis. Check for growth in mean scale scores and Advanced Proficient. Analyze results for particular groups of students – schools, classrooms, ISL program, special education, etc.
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 3: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 4: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 5: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 6: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 7: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 8: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade HSPA: LAL YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 3: Mathematics
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 4: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 5: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 6: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 7: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade NJ ASK 8: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Test Comparison Based on Grade HSPA: Mathematics YEARValid Scale Scores % Advanced Proficient % Proficient% Partially Proficient
Another Way to Look at Data Monitor a class and compare scores over time. Cohort measurements…
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2021: Current 5 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof. % Par. Prof. 2013: ASK : ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof. 2013: ASK : ASK
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2020: Current 6 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2019: Current 7 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2018: Current 8 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2016: Current 9 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof ASK ASK ASK
Analysis Based on Cohort Class of 2014: Current 12 th Graders LAL% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof HSPA ASK Math% Adv. Prof. % Prof.% Par. Prof HSPA ASK
Sample Data Disaggregated by Ethnicity: ASK 8 LAL% Adv. Prof.% Prof.% Par. Prof. White12.6 (30)81.6 (195)5.9 (14) Hispanic3.6 (1)85.7 (24)10.7 (3) Black080(12)20(3) Asian28 (7)64 (16)8 (2) Math% Adv. Prof.% Prof.% Par. Prof. White45.2 (108)39.3 (94)15.5 (37) Hispanic25.0 (7)53.6 (15)21.4 (6) Black20.0 (3)26.7 (4)53.3 (8) Asian76.9 (20)15.4 (4)7.7 (2)
NJ ASK : Science % Adv. Prof.% Prof.% Par. Prof
Example of Analysis NJ ASK 8 Science The partially proficient students included 20 General Education students and 21 Special Education Students. Focus of the test is on science practices. Form: Multiple-Choice & Short Constructed Response SCRs require students to explain or illustrate scientific concepts. DATA INFORMS INSTRUCTION & TRAINING: Instructional focus: developing students’ understanding and use of scientific processes Implementation of more SCR questions in student assessment
Biology Competency Test % Adv. Prof. % Proficient % Part. Prof
Partially Proficient & Lost Ground Proficient & Gained Ground 5 th grade ASK th grade ASK 2012 Proficient & Lost Ground Partially Proficient & Gained Ground
Analysis of Clusters
Conclusions Educational Goal : ACHIEVED! The partially proficient percentage will decrease by 5% on the language arts literacy portion of the NJ ASK for grades 3 through 8.
Always Moving Forward… District Goal Improve student outcomes on NJ ASK grades 3-8 for English Language Arts Literacy. Specifically, an overall increase of two to four (2-4) percent in the number of pupils who move from partially proficient to proficient and/or proficient to advanced proficient.
down a golden path… Teachers of Mathematics and English Language Arts Literacy in Grades 3-8 will achieved a 100% implementation rate utilizing the Renaissance Learning (Star Math/Star Reading) program.
towards our… Teachers and Principals are working together to create meaningful Student Growth Objectives.
VISION. Preparing the children of today for tomorrow… Please know that I’m here and open to questions. It takes parents, teachers, and administration working together to make progress. Progress can only happen when we all come from a place of understanding, and we share a vision. Feel free to contact me at or , ext.