DT News CJ Survey techniques for experiments and advanced 3D Digital Reconstruction Andrea Catinaccio, Aurelie Maurisset, Christophe Bault DT Science-Techno Tea 1 October 2010
DT personnel matters Joachim Bächler became Technical Coordinator of TOTEM on 1 August and became Group Leader of PH/TOT group (1 October). Mar Capeans replaces Ferdi Hahn as section leader of DT-DI section. Effective as of today. Francois-Xavier Nuiry starts today as VI fellow (Volontariat International = formerly ‘Cooperand’). Project: ATLAS IBL (Supervisor A. Catinaccio) Fellow M. Alfonsi (WP4) leaves group on 31 Oct, 2 months earlier then end of fellowship (got job at NIKHEF, Amsterdam) Daniel Lacarrere (EN/MEF) collaborates with us on GIF maintenance during R. Fortin’s sick leave. Premiums/2 nd slice: 6 technicians will receive a premium of 1000 CHF each for special services and achievements. Notification letters soon, payment with October salary.
Other news CHIS awareness. Health care cost rise too fast (3% p.a.). Will sooner or later create serious problems to CERN system. Remind people of possibility to buy drugs in France to often smaller prices than in Switzerland. Bicycles accidents. Increased number of bicycle accidents, particularly during summer (summer students). Actions needed (e.g. helmets, orange vests, improved roundabout in St- Genis). Roaming costs for GSM. Use of data transfer option abroad can create horrendous cost. Cases happened in PH where costs of ~ kCHF per day were produced. Limit use of CERN phone abroad to the strict minimum.
DT group survey Why ? PH-DT has been formed in a merger of the DT1 and DT2 groups in spring Today, DT comprises about 80 staff members, 20 fellows and students and collaborates with 2 FSU teams (approx. 10 people). We work on 9 detector projects, operate 11 services open to all CERN users and are involved in 5 R&D projects on new technologies and infrastructure. Matrix organization: 5 sections versus 25 projects Projects Office Detector Infrastructure Technologies and Physics Engineering & Mechanics 1 Engineering & Mechanics 2 M&O 1 Detector Project 1 R&D Project 1 M&O 2 Infrastructure M&O 1 Detector Project 2 Infrastructure Project 1 illustration 5 sections Projects, services, R&D Projects Office Detector Infrastructure Technologies and Physics Engineering & Mechanics 1 Engineering & Mechanics 2 M&O 1 Detector Project 1 R&D Project 1 M&O 2 Infrastructure M&O 1 Detector Project 2 Infrastructure Project 1 There is no perfect organization model and there is no perfect management. We have designed this survey with the main goal to identify areas where corrections and improvements are needed.
DT group survey What ? We want to assess the level of satisfaction of the DT staff (incl. fellows) with the way in which the group is organized, managed and run day by day. Your work in the group has many aspects and takes place on many levels. We tried to address (not all but) many of them, from your individual role in the project to the group management. We have prepared a questionnaire (in English and French) which contains 51 questions / statements. You are asked to indicate your degree of agreement with these statements. 1 = “I completely disagree” … 4 = “I fully agree” If you don’t have an opinion about a certain statement, chose the “?” box. There is also lots of free space for comments and suggestions.
DT group survey How ? You will receive the questionnaire in paper form. Please read it carefully and take the time it needs to fill it (approx. ½ hour). Send / bring it back to Veronique Wedlake. The whole process is guaranteed to be anonymous – no names, gender, age … ! Please indicate your job category. This may allow to identifying certain correlations, like e.g. … it’s mainly the technicians who like the DT Annual Report … all engineers think we should have more group drinks Optionally, you may also indicate your section.
DT group survey And then ? The results of the survey will be presented and discussed in a dedicated group meeting and made available (in numerical form) to all DT staff. Depending on the results, we may need follow-up meetings to define concrete measures. Whenever possible and if budget, priorities and CERN rules allow, we commit to implement them and assess their effectiveness.
DT group survey Thanks This survey has been prepared by a small team (Antti, Christian, Ferdi and Mar). If you have questions about the survey, don’t hesitate to contact any of these persons. We were greatly helped by two colleagues from the HR department: Cécile Granier (Human Resources Advisor for the PH department) and Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill (Learning & Development -section leader).
Visit the exhibition «Universe of Particles» in the Globe … and also see cosmic rays in the spark chambers built by Raphael Dumps Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 5pm