Changes in Communities Life Science – Mr. Hooper – May 2016
Succession Succession: a number of persons or things following one another in order or sequence. Give the correct succession of the last six Super Bowl winners
Succession Succession: a number of persons or things following one another in order or sequence. Give the correct succession of the last five Oscar winners for Best Animated Film. Rango Brave Frozen Big Hero Inside Out
Succession Succession: the series of predictable changes that occur in a community over time. Fires, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can change communities very quickly. There are two types of succession: primary and secondary. e,_ jpg
Primary Succession Primary succession: the series of changes that occur in an area where no soil or organisms exist. Primary succession may occur on a newly formed volcanic island, on an area previously covered by ice, or in an area following a violent volcanic eruption.
Primary Succession Pioneer species: the first species to populate an area. These species are often carried to the barren landscape by wind or water. Typical pioneer species are mosses and lichens.
As the pioneer species grow, they help break up rock. As pioneer species die, they provide nutrients that enrich the thin layer of forming soil.
Secondary Succession Secondary succession: the series of changes that occur in an area where the ecosystem has been disturbed, but where soil and organisms still exist.
Secondary Succession Secondary succession can occur following fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Human activities such as farming, logging, or mining may also disturb an ecosystem.
Secondary Succession Unlike primary succession, secondary succession occurs in a place where an ecosystem currently exists. Secondary succession usually occurs more rapidly than primary succession.
Pioneer Spiders Spiders are among the first animals to colonize barren, vegetation free ground. Spiderlings of wolf spider and linyphiid or money spiders balloon to arrive on wind currents and are surface active, finding shelter in crevices.
Other Animal Pioneers
The above images are of a mite species found as a pioneer species at the edges of retreating glaciers in Norway. The species is Tectocepheus velatus. Mites were found only 2-4 years following retreat of glacial ice.
Other Animal Pioneers
Pennsylvania’s Pioneer Plants
What Type of Succession?
Works Cited Ballooning Erigone sp. Barren field. Clover. Collembola diagram. Crabgrass. Lichen. =LarsonImages&id=Lichen. Mites. Mitopus morio. Nebria ground beetle. Pardosa saturatior on lichen. Parking Lot Secondary Succession. Primary succession diagram. /Chapter43-Rabitoy.aspx Rocky landscape-cover. Secondary succession photo. Smokey Bear. Spotted spurge. Springtail diagram. Springtail-white. Wild strawberry. Wolf spider. Pardosa saturatior jpg/400px-Pardosa_saturatior_W_ jpg
Works Cited Bembidion ground beetle. Broncos helmet. w=400 Football. Giants Helmet. york-giants-riddell-full-size-replica-helmet-375x281.jpg. york-giants-riddell-full-size-replica-helmet-375x281.jpg Inside Out. Nematode. Oscar Trophy. Packers Helmet. Ravens Helmet. Seahawks Helmet. 1seattle-seahawks-helmet.jpg?__scale=w:660,h:513,t:1,c:ffffff,q:80,r:1.