Welcome to Our Class! XieYing XieYing 英语书面表达指导 江苏高考英语书面表达样题.


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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
高考书面表达专题指导 ---- 漫画写作 Writing based on cartoons. Describe the picture &interpret its meaning Relate it to reality &give reasons Give opinion &suggestions.
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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Our Class! XieYing XieYing



漫 画 配 文

21-25 分作文的标准  完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要 点。  应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。  语法结构和词汇方面有些错误,但为尽力使用 较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语 言运用能力。  有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构 紧凑。  完全达到预期的写作目的。

1 、审题 2 、找点 3 、组句 4 、连句 5 、修改并誊写 做题步骤( Writing steps ) 1

1. 审题 记叙(提出问题) who,what,when,where,why,how… 议论(分析问题) problem,cause,result,… 结论(解决问题) opinion,sugestion,attitude,…

2. 找点 面面俱到。 词组原汁原味。 依料下菜,趋熟避生。 点到为止,言多有失。

3. 组句(连词成句) 句型,时态,语态,语气,人称 …… 正确优先,能雅则雅。

A. 使用较高级词汇 She doesn’t like sports. She cares nothing for sports. When can we get the information? When will the information be made available? She was poor, but she sent her son to school. She sent her son to school in spite of poverty. 怎样雅?

B. 使用较复杂结构,如: 被动语态,非谓语动词,从句, 倒装句,强调句,虚拟语气等 People suggest that the conference be put off. It is suggested that the conference be put off. To her surprise, her son still sat on the chair as if nothing had happened. What surprised her was that her son remained seated on the chair as if nothing had happened.

It is important that childrn know how to use the internet properly. It is important that children develop awareness of how to make proper use of the internet. You should work harder. I’d suggest that you put more effort into your work. You need a password to use the computer system. You need a password to get access to the computer system.

4. 联句成篇 正确运用表示各种关系的句子间的连 接语。 连接语示例: First(ly), … second(ly), … finally … First of all, … To begin with, … moreover in addition besides also furthermore what is more similarly

( on the one hand, ) …on the other hand however nevertheless (and) yet but inspite of that on the contrary thus therefore so as a result that is to say in other words I mean on the whole in general in most cases in many cases as a rule In fact as a matter of fact to tell the truth actually in short in a word in brief altogether

描述漫画套语: As is described / shown in the picture, … As we can see in the picture, … We can see in the picture that … In my opinion, … I think … Personally, I … In short/ conclusion/ a word,… 结尾表述观点的套语:

5. 修改誊写 用短文改错的精神修改作文。 书写工整,字体大小适中,万不得已时可用细线 删除错误部分,切忌乱涂乱画。 随意动笔,乱涂乱画,无异于自杀!


1 : 审题 记叙部分 who, what, when, where, why, how… 议论部分 problem,cause,result,… 建议部分 opinion, sugestion, attitude,…

2. 找点 女孩摔倒 —— 儿子去扶 —— 妈妈阻止 —— 述说 原因 油瓶倒 —— 儿子置之不理 —— 述说原因 —— 妈妈诧异 你的感受和想法 适当发挥

English words and expressions 记叙部分 议论部分 看法、建议部分 shown, fall down, be going to, stop , knock down, be surprised, remain seated, in face of, lie on the floor, pick up … a caring heart,help people in need, avoid trouble, cold and selfish, … personally, care for, be responsible, …

3. 组句 4. 联句成篇 5. 修改誊写

A possible version: As is shown in the first picture, a little girl fell down on the floor. A boy was going to help her when his mum stopped him, saying “Don’t help her or others would believe it’s you who knocked her down.” The second picture show that the mum was surprised to find the boy remained seated on the chair in face of the fallen oil bottle on the floor. The boy said “I won’t pick it up, or you would believe it’s me who knocked it down.”

Children are born with a caring heart and they find it natural to help people in need. When parents stop the children from doing so to avoid trouble, they are setting them a bad example. As a result, parents will one day find the children cold and selfish. In my opinion, parents should teach their children to care for others and help others in order that they can learn to be responsible.

1. 审题 ________

记叙 议论 problem, cause, result 建议 personal opinion 结构 : 记叙 who,what,when,where,how,why …

Parent Expert 2. 找点 The PC monitor, underwear As is described in the picture; wear underwear expert; parent ; give advice to; There are three ways; make the Internet safer

Thinking & Discussing What do the three ways refer to? Hardware: Software: Underwear: cutting off access to the Internet filter programmes (过滤软件)

联系生活,合理想象 How to understand : “ underwear ” ? 功能( function ) : 原始 (original) prevent people from seeing sth. unsuitable 引申 (implied) prevent children from seeing sth. unsuitable on the net. “ Underwear ” here : non-technical way of doing so, such as setting rules for children to control their Internet activities.

Words & Expression Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Be shown in the picture, wear underwear, expert, parent, give advice, three ways, make the Internet safer, … be worried about, cut off the access to, find ways, stop sb. from, encourage sb. to do sth., certain / filter programmes, set rules, … in my opinion, call for the attention of, unite together; make proper use of, be aware of...

Homework: Finish writing the whole passage.

A possible version: As is described in the picture, the monitor of a computer is wearing underwear. An expert is giving advice to the worried mother, saying “There are three ways to make the internet safer for your children---hardware, software, and underwear.”

Worried about their children’s safety on the Internet, some parents cut off access to the internet---the hardware solution. Some turn to some programmes for help--- the software solution, to block unhealthy websites. Others set rules for their children to guide them on how to use the Internet safely---the underwear solution.

In my opinion, the whole society should pay special attention to this problem. The governmnent, schools and parents should unite together to guide the children on how to make proper use of the Internet. They can use certain programmes to block unhealthy websites, and help the children to be aware of the harm of them. ( 150words )