The Conservative Movement Grows Chapter 19, Section 1
Two Views: Liberal and Conservatives ●Liberals: those who generally favor government intervention to help the needy o 1960s-70s: social programs, favored international diplomacy to fight communism ●Conservatives: those who generally favor allowing the free market, private organizations, and individuals to do that o 1980s: reduce taxes, decrease regulation of industry, actively fighting against communism in other countries
The Conservative Movement Gains Strength ●New Right: political movement supported by resurgent conservative groups during the late 20th century o Rise of the Republican Party due to the unraveling of the Democratic Party
Reagan Wins the Presidency ●Ronald Reagan: Republican candidate who won the 1980 election o Hollywood actor o Conservative
●Close race until one week before the election during their only presidential debate, Reagan’s communication skills shone, calming fears of his inexperience in politics.
Review 1.How might liberals and conservatives use different approaches to help the poor or unemployed? 1.Why do you think Reagan was able to pull ahead of Carter before the election?
Reagan Revolution Chapter 19, Section 2
Reaganomics Guides the Economy ●supply-side economics: reduce taxes and people will work more, more money to spend which will cause the economy to grow ●deregulation: removal of government control over industries ● : severe recession o Amount of poor/working-poor increased o Richest percentage of Americans grew richer
●budget deficit: shortfall between money spent and amount taken in by the government o $79 billion (1981) to $221 billion (1986) ●national debt: amount of money the federal government owes to owners of government bond ($2.5 trillion)
Conservative Strength Grows ●Reagan’s 1984 re-election: “It is morning in America” - easily won re-election Morning In America
●Sandra Day O’Connor: first female Justice of the Supreme Court o influential on several court cases
●George H.W. Bush (VP under Reagan) elected president in 1988 o encouraged Americans to volunteer “like a thousand points of light”
Confronting Challenging Issues ●A Nation at Risk, by the Department of Education, showed that students were consistently scoring lower on standardized tests ●vouchers: government checks, used by parents, to pay tuition at private schools o would force public schools to improve
●Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): a disease with no known cure that attacks the immune system of its victims (last stage of HIV) o At first, spread mostly through homosexual males and intravenous drug users, but spread to different groups later o By 1994: AIDS had killed over 250,000 Americans
AIDS Quilt: Each panel represents a memory of someone who has died from AIDS. Today, there are more than 44,000 panels.
Challenger Explosion Challenger Explosion (1986)
If you’re under 30, live in a city, and work in an office making a lot of money - then you are a Yuppie!