Systems by Graphing By: Natalie Dohmeyer and Melis Uzkan
Intro 0 The definition of systems by graphing “A system of linear equations consists of two or more linear equations in the same variables” (McDougal Littell Algebra 1 textbook 427).
There must be at least two linear equations. Without the two linear equations then there wouldn’t be a problem to solve.
Example equation 0 1. x+2y= x+2y=6 0 *These equations are in standard form, and kin order to graph they must be converted to slope intercept form*
Three simple steps 0 Formula: Ax+By=C 0 Step one: Move Ax to the other side of the equal sign 0 Step two: Divide everything by B 0 Step three: The final step is to graph the two equations (new formula is in slope intercept form) 0 Example: y= -x+8 and 2y= 3x y=- ½ x+4 and y=1.5x Graph!
Time to solve!
Answer and How to Check It 0 The answer to the problem is (1, 4.5). 0 To check to see if your answer is correct then plug in the coordinate points into the standard form equation.