Spectral Observations and Ground-truthing at Site C Life in the Atacama 2005 Science & Technology Workshop January 6-7, 2005 Jeff Moersch U. Tennessee
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 1NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Summary of Spectra Acquired at Site C Thermal IR: 37 spectra in total 11 “compass points” 7 pointed straight down (in the blind) 19 targeted Plus calibration spectra (3 each) Vis/Near-IR 15 spectra in total 12 “compass points” 3 targeted Vis/Near-IR only collected at beginning of test as backup for rover’s spectrometer.
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 2NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Comparison: Compass Pts. vs. Targets
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 3NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Inventory of Hand Samples Collected Date/Time (EDT)Name Location (lat and lon in ddd mm.mmm)Notes on bagNotes from unpacking 10/5/ :54Locale 25S W Light rocks - salt? 10/5/ :54Locale 25S W "Lt soil"Fine light soil 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have locationSoil 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have location"Rock w/ nitrate"Rock 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have locationLight rock 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have location "2 pictures of Nitrate w/ _?_ Bag"Crusty rocks and soil 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have location"Ash"Rock with clasts 10/5/2004Locale 26JM doesn't have location Small pinkish-white low density rocks 10/6/ :46Locale 30S W "Pictures w/ _?_"Soil 10/6/ :46Locale 30S W "1 of 3 same place"
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 4NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Inventory of Hand Samples Collected Date/Time (EDT)Name Location (lat and lon in ddd mm.mmm)Notes on bagNotes from unpacking 10/6/ :46Locale 30S W "Pitt Topp"Small rocks and soil 10/6/ :46Locale 30S W "Pitt bottom, Picture w/ hammer"Rocks with clasts 10/6/ :46Locale 30S W "2" in a circleSmall rocks and gravel 10/8/2004Locale 36JM doesn't have location"No pict" Light rocks and some soil 10/8/2004Locale 38JM doesn't have location "Dessicated rock w/ sulfur"Rocks and soil 10/8/2004Locale 38JM doesn't have location"Top"Rocks and soil 10/8/2004Locale 38JM doesn't have location"Middle"Light soil and rocks 10/8/2004Locale 38JM doesn't have location"Bottom"Soil and small rocks 10/9/2004Locale 40JM doesn't have locationSmall light rocks and soil 10/9/2004Locale 40JM doesn't have locationRocks with clasts 10/9/2004Locale 40JM doesn't have location 3 rocks - light interiors, dark exteriors
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 5NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Inventory of Hand Samples Collected Date/Time (EDT)Name Location (lat and lon in ddd mm.mmm)Notes on bagNotes from unpacking 10/9/2004Locale 41JM doesn't have locationRocks and some soil 10/9/2004Locale 41JM doesn't have locationDark, polished rock 10/9/2004Locale 41JM doesn't have locationRocks and soil 24 Samples from Rover Locales (above) plus another 9 collected around Site C Samples will be analyzed in same manner as discussed by Wyatt for Site B samples.
Life in the Atacama 2005 Science/Technology Workshop 6NASA Ames Research Center / Carnegie Mellon Conclusions/Lessons Learned for 2005 Targeted spectra tend to tell a lot more than compass points. Many spectra per locale: easy; Many locales per sol: not so easy! Need dedicated ground-truthing/sample collecting person on-site in addition to instrument crew. Choose 2005 field sites EARLY!!!