Health and Safety Unit 3 Sophie Bevan
Objectives Define a primary survey Identify the aims of first aid Describe D.R.A.B Complete questions worksheet
The Aims of First Aid Preserve Life Prevent the situation from worsening Promote Recovery
Preserve Life Not only the casualties life, but your own life too. Far too often only one person’s life is in danger when the emergency services are called, but by the time they arrive there are more. If you put your life in danger, you can end up fighting for your OWN life instead of the casualty’s
Prevent the Situation from Worsening The skilled first aider must take action to prevent the whole situation from becoming worse (e.g removing dangers such as traffic or fumes), as well as acting to prevent the casualty’s condition from deteriorating
Promote Recovery The actions of a first aider should, after preventing things from getting worse, help the casualty to recover from their illness or injury.
Primary Survey All animals need a constant supply of oxygen to survive. If oxygen doesn’t get through, brain cells will start to die within 3-4 mins. The priorities of treatment are therefore aimed at ensuring oxygen gets into the blood, ensuring that the blood is circulating around the body and preventing the loss of that blood.
Primary Survey The primary survey is a fast and systematic way to find and treat any life-threatening conditions in a priority order. As a life threatening condition is found, it should be treated immediately, then you should move on to the next step in the survey. It is important to perform a primary survey before treating any superficial, non-life threatening conditions.
The Aims of First Aid Preserve Life Prevent the situation from worsening Promote Recovery
First Aid Procedures D. R. A. B
Danger Response Airway Breathing
D.R.A.B: Danger Ensure that the casualty, any bystanders and you are safe
D.R.A.B: Response Quickly check to see if the casualty is conscious. Gently shake or tap the shoulders and ask them loudly if they are alright Unconscious casualties take priority and need urgent treatment If the casualty is unconscious calling 999/asking for help is a priority
D.R.A.B: Airways Identify and treat any life-threatening airway problems (such as choking or suffocation) If the casualty is unconscious, tilt the head to open the airway When the airway is clear/opened, move on to Breathing
D.R.A.B Breathing Identify and treat any life threatening breathing problems (such as asthma) If the casualty is unconscious and not breathing normally, perform CPR. When life-threatening breathing problems have been ruled out or treated, move on to circulation
D.R.A.B (C) Circulation Identify and treat any life threatening circulation problems (such as severe bleeding or heart attack)
Non-life threatening conditions Broken bones Fractures Seizures Burns Sprain Strain Minor amputations