Achieving Through Collaboration
STEM vs. STEAM Why half is not enough!
Engaging students in creative problem solving has a direct link to an increase in creative learning. CREATIVITY
● Prepare for college and careers ● Socialize through student collaboration projects ● Build communication skills among peers ● Problem solve together ● Solving real world problems Why Else?
It’s your turn to see STEAM in action! You have 10 Minutes to complete the group activity!10 Hands in STEAM
Quickly discuss and record where you STEAM could be applied to the activity you just completed. Where do you see STEAM?
Coffeeco Table
Collaboration and teamwork make STEAM rise! See what we are doing and what is in the works This is Nothing New!
School Space Design
Self Portraits, facial proportions, average sizes Glasses Design
Deep Math and Science connections. -Interpreting, predicting, and drawing conclusions through CO2 Car Data -Using formulas to solve equations to meet a desired value. (velocity, forces, mass) -Real world application of Newton’s Laws CO2 Car Design
Generate electricity through common movements; everything can have a dual purpose! -Gear ratios and solving proportions -Alexander Calder Life Energy
● Create models (art) ● Interactive lab activities and collaboration (e.g. making ice cream, measuring, graphing) ● Rube Goldberg Machines (engineering and design process / scientific process) Science
6th Grade Math -Tabletop Miniature Golf Project S- recycling (only use recyclable material), physics (friction, force, acceleration) T- online research, online miniature golf games to test different layouts E- creating/building, following design process, testing different materials A- blueprints drawn on graph paper using scale, decorations/aesthetics of golf hole, sketch/analyze designs from online games and field trip to Ocean City’s golf courses M- measurement, ratios, proportional reasoning, collecting/analyzing data using central tendency, angle measurements of putters
Extensions: ● Technology: scale model design using software (2D/3D), 3D printer to make putter ● Arts: create a company: given a budget, create a logo, make a brochure using Microsoft Publisher, write a persuasive essay “selling” your hole ● Engineering/Industrial Tech/Math: build a life-size hole using scale and measurement Extensions
STEAM at Work!
STEM/STEAM CLUB ● Our 1st year as a club! ● Introduction to STEM ● Introduction to Engineering Design Process ● Design Challenges ● Introduction to Coding: Hour of Code ● Real Life Stem at Great Adventure
They loved the design challenges!
Plans for ● Verizon App Challenge o 3 teams are participating o Develop an idea for an app...if chosen, will learn how to build the app from MIT Professional ● Future City o create a virtual future city using SIMCity software o build the city out of recyclable materials ● Video Game Challenge
Online competitors collaborating through Google Classroom!
continued ● Coding ● STEAM Family Night ● STEAM Career Fair ● More design challenges ● Activities promoting girls in STEAM
An example, but STEAM is done in all projects in all grade levels One Point Linear Perspective Students learn the magic of creating a 3-D landscape on a 2-D surface through the rules of perspective drawing while create a connected community. Science- Evergreen and Deciduous trees are discussed as indications of the changing seasons (also taught how to draw using simple shapes to more complex forms) Technology- Engineering- Actual creation of their 3-D landscape drawing Art- Value, Proportion, Scale, Balance (asymmetry, symmetry), Overlapping, Space, visual rhythm Math- Proportion and scale are important concepts emphasized, as well as use of the ruler for creation of correct angles Art
Self portrait drawing & photomosaic Art examples continued Native American weaving Also… *Clay and flash animation *Finger Puppet theater *Pottery *Masks *In development, Calder energy producing mobiles
Incorporating use of computers in every class Projects include: ● Graphing ● Engineering design ● Research and design ● Skyping ● Digital Storytelling ● Portrait Mosaics ● Google Apps for Education Technology
● Scale models for design playground and arboretum spaces ● Solving real world problems finding volume ● Interpreting, predicting, and drawing conclusions through CO2 Car Data ● Gear ratios and solving proportions ● Using formulas to solve equations to meet a desired value. (velocity, forces, mass) Math
● More collaboration - colleagues, professionals, Colleges and Universities ● Professional Development ● PLCs ● Always looking for growth opportunities. Goals for STEAM Growth