PROJECT FOR 8 TH AND 9 TH GRADES Influential People in History
Introduction You will be required to conduct a research about a person who was remarkably influential in human history. The results of the written research will be orally presented in class Your oral presentation should include different visual aids. This projects will be done in pairs/group (up to 4 people). Watch the following slides and learn about the work process and its steps. Make sure you follow the next 5 steps to prepare an interesting project. Enjoy your work!
Just before you start … or Tips for Teamwork This project is to be done in pairs/groups. Choose up to 3 classmates and make sure you: o decide on the topic together o listen to each other’s ideas o all contribute to the project equally and assist each other o assign roles and carry them out properly o share the work load fairly
List of Influential People TBD! Here is a list of people for you to choose from. They worked in different areas, such as politics, music, literature and science. Those people, men and women, are from different eras, countries, cultures and religions. Napoleon Bonaparte Joan of Arc Karl Marks Indira Gandi Leonardo de Vinci David Ben Gurion Yitzhak Rabin Albert Einstein Confucius Charles Darwin Nelson Mandela Bill Gates Zeev Binyamin Hertzel Bill Clinton Martin Luther King JR. George Washington Marie Curie Charles de Gaulle Steve Jobs Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Yitzhak Perlman Winston Churchill Abraham Lincoln Sir Winston Churchill Fidel CastroSergey Brin William Shakespeare Michael Barishnikof Julius Caesar Che Guevara John F. Kennedy Walt Disney Charles Darwin Charlie Chaplin Golda Meir Alexander the Great Kemal Ataturk Galileo Galilei Rosa Parks Mark Zukerberg Thomas Edison Hanna Senesh Mahatma Gandhi Eleanor Roosevelt Amelia Earhart Helen KellerMuhammad Ali Maria CallasMargaret Thatcher
Step 1: Choose your favorite historical figure Name date of birth place of birth profession religion main activity/deed/contribution other Write the name of the person you have chosen and everything you know about him/her. Look up information to create an I.D of the person Write10 interesting/important facts (“when”, “what”, “where”) You can use a table to organize the information you have found:
Step 2: Write 1-2 Research Questions Come up with one or two research questions. Good research questions should answer the questions “why”? “how”? “what”? ( main activity/deed/contribution, famous because..) Research questions should be: relevant original interesting
step 3: State your research findings Make sure your answers are relevant to the research questions. Use the following structure: Introduction: Introduce the figure you have chosen and explain your choice. Body: Report the information you have found in order to answer the research question/s, explain and give examples Conclusion: Summarize your research and write conclusions Use at least 3 sources of information (different web sites, books, articles etc.)
Ask for your teacher’s approval Hand in/send by mail a typed draft of the first 3 steps of the project to your teacher in order to obtain approval to continue. Example of a draft: Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation!! Cover page Title:____________ Group members: Date: Inner pages Part 1: facts Part 2: research question/s Part 3: Bibliography - Write the sources you used (at least 3)
Step 4: Tips for an Interesting Oral Presentation A good oral presentation requires planning and preparation. Stand in a position where everyone in the audience can see you. Make sure your voice is clear and you pronounce the words clearly. Don't read from a script. It’s okay to refer to your notes once in a while if necessary, but you should know what you want to say. Keep your head up. Make eye contact with your audience. Be enthusiastic! If you are not excited about your presentation don't expect anyone else to be interested!
Step 5: Visual Aids The oral presentation must be supported by one of the following aids: picture/ picture album drawings music poster graphs/ charts tangible objects laptop Examples ( use full screen ) : Press and listen
Criteria for Evaluation
Good Luck!