NoClouds Coaching Career Adaptability Ownership Resilience Adaptability Change Future Rob Wood University of Southampton & NoClouds Coaching
+ Career Adapt-abilities … … is about supporting autonomy and recognises that a career belongs to the individual, not to the employing organisation (Duarte, 2004). CONCERN CONTROL CURIOSITY CONFIDENCE
NoClouds Coaching + Why Career Adaptability? ‘The capability of an individual to make a series of successful transitions where the labour market, organisation of work and underlying occupational and organisational knowledge bases may be subject to considerable change’ (Bimrose et al, 2011)
NoClouds Coaching + Background The world has changed: ‘Organisations are looking for work [to be done], not workers [to employ].’ Savickas, 2012 Career Adapt-abilities v Employability Skills Origins are in Life Design / Career Construction: Key people - Donald Super, Mark Savickas, Jeni Bimrose. Career Theory, Psychometric Instrument and Practice Model International research group in 20 countries using it in culturally relevant ways. In the UK research focused on students in Higher Education - Alan Brown (Birmingham), Jeni Bimrose & Gill Frigerio (Warwick)
NoClouds Coaching + CONCERN developing a positive optimistic attitude to the future aware involved preparing
NoClouds Coaching + CONTROL exerting a degree of intra- personal influence on situations assertive disciplined wilful
NoClouds Coaching + CURIOSITY broadening horizons by exploring opportunities & possibilities experimenting risk-taking inquiring
NoClouds Coaching + CONFIDENCE believing in yourself & having the ability to achieve your goals persistent striving industrious
NoClouds Coaching Adaptability dimension Attitudes and beliefs CompetenceBehaviours‘Problem’ ConcernPlanfulPlanning Aware Involved Preparing Indifference or lack of ownership ControlDecisiveDecision making Assertive Disciplined Wilful Indecision or lack of ownership CuriosityInquisitiveExploring Experimenting Risk taking Inquiring Unrealistic goals or limited thinking ConfidenceEfficaciousProblem solvingPersistent Striving Industrious Inhibition or poor self- confidence
+ CONCERN CONTROL CURIOSITY CONFIDENCE Career Coaching Models Models that I have found useful in working with people in developing ownership and resilience
NoClouds Coaching Albert Ellis – REBT Model Goal-centred change
NoClouds Coaching Russ Harris – ACT Model Psychological Flexibility
NoClouds Coaching + Resources Warwick University Website: udies/aboutus/collaborations/caip udies/aboutus/collaborations/caip Doing the questionnaire: UKCES * Report on Role of Career Adapt-abilities in Skills Supply – Warwick Institute for Employment Research (Bimrose, Brown et el, 2011): * UK Commission for Employment and Skills Research Finding out more about Career Adapt-abilities
+ Career Adapt-abilities … Rob Wood, Career Practitioner at University of Southampton and owner NoClouds Coaching. & CONCERN CONTROL CURIOSITY CONFIDENCE