Chapter Eight Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Defining Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Federal definition of emotional disturbance: “a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child's educational performance” Inability to learn not explained by other factors Inability to have interpersonal peer relationships Inappropriate behavior or feelings under normal circumstances Pervasive mood of depression or unhappiness Tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears 2
Defining Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Dimensions common to most definitions of emotional and behavioral disorders: Frequency (rate) of occurrence Intensity (severity) of behavior Duration (length of time) of behavior Age-appropriateness of the behavior Disturbed and disturbing behavior Transient nature of problematic behavior Variation in social and cultural standards 3
Classification of Individuals with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Clinically derived classification systems The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) provides criteria Diagnosis involves observation of behavior over time and across different settings Statistically derived classification systems Involves categories of disordered behaviors Externalizing behaviors Internalizing behaviors 4
Brief History of the Field Historical relationship between insanity and intellectual disability The Mental Hygiene Movement Early research on emotional or behavioral disorders The birth of a specialized field of study The emergence of conceptual models 6
Prevalence of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders The U.S. Department of Education reports that 418,068 students ages 6-21 received special education services for an emotional disturbance during the school year Fifth largest category for children this age The most underidentified disability category 9
Suspected Etiologies of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Biological risk factors Genetic influence: autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, depression Biological factors: infection, lead poisoning, toxin exposure Psychosocial (environmental) risk factors Parental discord, poverty, maltreatment, maternal rejection, poor health care, poor nutrition 10
Prevention of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Research on Resiliency Some children exposed to adverse conditions do not develop emotional or behavioral disorders because they are resilient Research on Positive Behavioral Support Punishments typically are ineffective School-wide approach to encourage students’ positive behaviors and effective decision making 13
Characteristics of Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Learning characteristics Range of intellectual abilities, chronic school failure, absenteeism, grade retention, school dropout Social characteristics Difficulty building and maintaining relationships, aggressive behavior, experience rejection, externalizing and internalizing behaviors Language/communication characteristics Deficits in the areas of pragmatics, receptive, and expressive language and limited or inappropriate language use 15
Assessing Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Assessment strategies include: Interviews with student, parents, and teachers Examination of student records Parent, teacher, and student rating scales Observations in multiple natural settings Medical evaluations Standardized academic and IQ testing Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) Strength-based assessments Other informal assessment strategies 16
Physical Environment Interventions Time management Transition management Proximity and movement management Classroom arrangement Classroom ambience 18
Academic and Instructional Interventions Academic curriculum Instructional delivery Mnemonic strategies Self-monitoring strategies Curriculum-based measurement Content enhancements Watch this video to Learn about self-regulation strategies.self-regulation strategies 19
Behavioral and Cognitive- Behavioral Interventions Social skills training Interpersonal problem solving Conflict resolution Provision of related services Crisis prevention and management programs/plans Watch this video to learn about teaching social skillsteaching social skills 20
Services for Young Children with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Early signs Early identification Early intervention 21
Transition into Adulthood Emotional or behavioral disorders are a predictor for school failure, delinquency, adult psychiatric problems, and substance abuse Absence of research on transition planning for adolescents with emotional or behavioral disorders Interventions, such as wrap-around programs, should be started early and may need to be maintained throughout life Support to graduate from high school and pursue higher education 22
Adults with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offers protections to adults with emotional or behavioral disorders in the areas of postsecondary educational opportunities and employment. 23
Family-Centered Interventions Family-centered approach to planning for children with emotional or behavioral disorders supports the family’s needs. Recognize the family’s strengths and concerns Home-school collaboration is essential 24
Issues of Diversity Overrepresentation of African-American males in special education programs for children with emotional or behavioral disorders Female students are underrepresented in special education programs for children with emotional or behavioral disorders 25
Trends, Issues, and Controversies Qualified teacher shortages Public policy and societal attitudes Lack of interagency collaboration Creating systems of care 26