Communications that work
Croeso / Welcome Janet Barlow Prif Weithredwr Chief Executive Officer
Communications that work ~##
Communications that work
Croeso / Welcome Jane Davidson Director of INSPIRE (Institute for Sustainability Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness) Our host / Ein llywydd Our host Jane Davidson Ein llywydd – Jane Davidson
Communications that work
June June Milligan Cyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau Director General for Local Government and communities
Communications that work
David Fitzpatrick Chief Executive - Prif Weithredwr
Communications that work Agored 17 April 2013 There is no sustainability without education David Fitzpatrick Chief Executive
Communications that work Education? “The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, esp. at a school or university” “Education … is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills and habits (sic) of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next” “The theory and practice of teaching”
Communications that work Education? “The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement and generally preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life” “A body of knowledge acquired while being educated” “An enlightening experience”
Communications that work Education for Sustainable Development?
Communications that work HE Education Academy: Our work on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) helps institutions and subject communities develop curricula and pedagogy that will give students the skills and knowledge to live and work sustainably.
Communications that work United Nations? ESD seeks to engage people in negotiating a sustainable future, making decisions and acting on them.
Communications that work United Nations (cont) While it is generally agreed on that sustainability education must be customized for individual learners, according to Tilbury and Wortman, the following skills are essential to ESD: Envisioning – being able to imagine a better future. The premise is that if we know where we want to go, we will be better able to work out how to get there. Critical thinking and reflection – learning to question our current belief systems and to recognize the assumptions underlying our knowledge, perspective and opinions. Critical thinking skills help people learn to examine economic, environmental, social and cultural structures in the context of sustainable development. Systemic Thinking – acknowledging complexities and looking for links and synergies when trying to find solutions to problems. Building partnerships – promoting dialogue and negotiation, learning to work together. Participation in decision-making – empowering people.
Communications that work The first example? Agenda 21 was the first international document that identified education as an essential tool for achieving sustainable development It also highlighted areas of action for education… often now forgotten…
Communications that work The outcome? It is NOT about just being in an educational institution It is not about being age specific or age restrictive It IS about being open, enabling and involving throughout our lives
Communications that work The Einstein challenge Insanity Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Communications that work
If we get education right We enable and encourage Envisioning Critical thinking and reflection Systemic Thinking Building partnerships Participation in decision-making and thus empower people to make change
Communications that work Questions or comments?
Communications that work David Fitzpatrick | Follow us on Twitter | Dilynwch ni ar
Communications that work
Ceri Jones Ceri Jones AEM / HMI
Communications that work Addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang ADCDFE yng ngwaith Estyn ac enghreifftiau o arfer Education for sustainable development and global citizenship ESDGC within Estyn’s work and examples of practice
Communications that work Y Fframwaith Arolygu Cyffredin Ym mhob arolygiad, mae arolygwyr yn adrodd ar ADCDFE o dan 2.1 Profiadau dysgu bodloni anghenion dysgwyr a chyflogwyr/y gymuned darpariaeth ar gyfer medrau darpariaeth Gymraeg a’r dimensiwn Cymreig addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd- eang The Common Inspection Framework In every inspection, inspectors report on ESDGC under 2.1 Learning experiences meeting the needs of learners and employers/community provision for skills Welsh language provision and the Welsh dimension education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Communications that work Y Fframwaith Arolygu Cyffredin Cwestiwn Allweddol 2: Pa mor dda yw’r ddarpariaeth? 2.1.4: addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang Mae gan addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang (ADCDFE) le amlwg ym mhynciau’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol, fel gwyddoniaeth a daearyddiaeth, ac mae’n un o’r pum thema yn y Fframwaith Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol. Mae hefyd yng Nghraidd Dysgu Llwybrau Dysgu ac yng Nghymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru. The Common Inspection Framework Key Question 2: How good is provision? 2.1.4: education for sustainable development and global citizenship Education for sustainable development and global citizenship (ESDGC) has a clear place in subjects of the National Curriculum, such as science and geography, and it is one of the five themes in the Personal and Social Education Framework. It also features in the Learning Core of Learning Pathways and in the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification.
Communications that work Y Fframwaith Arolygu Cyffredin 2.1.4: addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd- eang Ym mhob adroddiad arolygu, mae Estyn yn adrodd ar y graddau: y mae’r cwricwlwm a gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn helpu disgyblion i ddatblygu gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth, medrau a gwerthoedd ADCDFE; mae’r ysgol yn gweithredu’n gynaliadwy, er enghraifft, trwy ddefnyddio ynni, lleihau gwastraff ac ailgylchu; ac mae’r ysgol yn cyfrannu at ddinasyddiaeth fyd-eang, er enghraifft trwy ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o’r byd ehangach. The Common Inspection Framework 2.1.4: education for sustainable development and global citizenship In every inspection report Estyn reports on the extent to which: the curriculum and extra-curricular activities help pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and values of ESDGC; the school acts sustainably, for example in using energy, minimising waste and recycling; and the school contributes to global citizenship, for example through developing an understanding of the wider world.
Communications that work Deilliannau rhagorol – uwchradd Mae addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang yn gryfder arbennig yn yr ysgol. Mae darpariaeth ddychmygus o ansawdd da iawn yn bodoli i ddisgyblion ddysgu am gynaliadwyedd. Mae dull ysgol gyfan o ailgylchu ac arbed ynni. Yn ychwanegol, mae prosiectau niferus ar dir yr ysgol ac yn y gymuned, yn gwella’r amgylchedd lleol. Mae’r ysgol yn effeithiol iawn wrth sicrhau ymwybyddiaeth weithredol y disgyblion o’u rôl yn y gymdeithas a’r byd. Mae holl ddisgyblion cyfnod allweddol 3 yn cymryd rhan mewn wythnos ‘Addysg Ryngwladol a Chymunedol’ ar ddiwedd tymor yr haf. Mae hyn yn cyfoethogi’r cwricwlwm, ac yn annog myfyrwyr i ddatblygu ymwybyddiaeth o ddiwylliannau eraill. Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen Excellent outcomes - secondary Education for sustainable development and global citizenship is a particular strength of the school. Imaginative and very good quality provision exists for pupils to learn about sustainability. There is a whole- school approach to recycling and energy saving. In addition, numerous projects, both on the school grounds, and in the community, improve the local environment. The school is particularly effective in ensuring the active awareness of pupils of the role they play in society and the world. All key stage 3 pupils participate in an ‘International and Community Education' week at the end of the summer term. This enriches the curriculum, and encourages students to develop an awareness of other cultures. Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen
Communications that work Arfer ragorol – cynradd Mae’r ysgol yn hyrwyddo ymwybyddiaeth o gynaliadwyedd ac arbed ynni yn effeithiol a dychmygus iawn, er enghraifft i hyrwyddo ailgylchu a chadwraeth. Mae llawer o ddigwyddiadau codi arian yn gysylltiedig â materion byd-eang. Mae gan yr ysgol bartneriaethau datblygedig iawn gydag ysgolion, sefydliadau ac unigolion eraill mewn sawl gwlad. Mae hyn yn helpu disgyblion i wneud cynnydd rhagorol wrth ddeall eu rolau fel dinasyddion y byd. Mae’r ddarpariaeth gyfoethog yn sicrhau bod cymuned yr ysgol wedi ymrwymo’n llwyr i ofalu am eu hardaloedd bywyd gwyllt, eu gardd a llawer o anifeiliaid ac adar sy’n cael eu caru’n fawr. Ysgol Gynradd Ewloe Green Excellent practice- primary The school promotes awareness of sustainability and energy conservation very effectively and imaginatively, for example to promote recycling and conservation. Many fundraising events are linked with global issues. The school has very well-developed partnerships with other schools, institutions and individuals in several countries. This helps pupils make excellent progress in understanding their roles as citizens of the world. The rich provision ensures that the school community is totally committed to caring for their wildlife areas, garden and much loved animals and birds. Ewloe Green CP,
Communications that work Papur sefyllfa 2006 Nid oes gan athrawon ac ymgynghorwyr ddealltwriaeth glir a chyson o’r diffiniad o ADCDFE, ei diben a’i manteision. Mae hyn yn gryn dipyn o her wrth geisio nodi meini prawf i arfarnu perfformiad yn y maes hwn. Mae ysgolion, colegau ac AALlau yn fwy hyderus ynghylch datblygiad cynaliadwy na dinasyddiaeth fyd- eang ar y cyfan, ac yn canolbwyntio’n fwy arno. Position paper 2006 Teachers and advisers do not have a clear and consistent understanding of the definition, purpose and benefits of ESDGC. This presents a major challenge when trying to identify criteria to evaluate performance in this area. Schools, colleges and LEAs are generally more confident about, and focus more on, sustainable development than global citizenship.
Communications that work Argymhellion 2006 Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru: egluro diben ADCDFE; egluro’r diffiniad o ADCDFE, gan nodi’n benodol ei harbenigrwydd a’r manteision y mae’n eu cynnig i ddysgwyr; datblygu strategaeth i gefnogi cydlynu gwaith ADCDFE yn lleol ar draws awdurdodau ac asiantaethau gwirfoddol a statudol; a sefydlu meini prawf penodol sy’n galluogi darparwyr i arfarnu eu gwaith mewn ADCDFE. Recommendations 2006 The Welsh Government should: clarify the purpose of ESDGC; clarify the definition of ESDGC, spelling out in particular its distinctiveness and the benefits it brings to learners; develop a strategy to support the local co-ordination of ESDGC work across voluntary and statutory authorities, and agencies; and establish specific criteria that enable providers to evaluate their work in ESDGC.
Communications that work Cylch gwaith Un adroddiad yn mesur cynnydd o ran ansawdd a chyflwyno ADCDFE mewn ysgolion a cholegau yn erbyn astudiaeth gwaelodlin 2006 – gyda bwriad cryf o lywio cyflwyno ADCDFE am y 5 mlynedd nesaf. Bydd yr adroddiad yn cynnwys: Asesiad ‘sefyllfa’ trosfwaol ynghylch effaith ADCDFE ar ddysgwyr – a yw’n gwneud gwahaniaeth? Asesiad ansoddol / meintiol ar ansawdd a chyflwyno ADCDFE mewn ysgolion / colegau – a yw’n cael ei chyflwyno’n dda ac a yw o ansawdd da? Remit A single report measuring progress on ESDGC quality and delivery in schools and colleges against the 2006 baseline study – with a strong forward look to inform ESDGC delivery for the next 5 years. The report to include: An overarching ‘state of play’ assessment regarding ESDGC impact on learners – is it making a difference? A qualitative / quantitative assessment on ESDGC quality and delivery in schools / colleges – is it being delivered, to high quality and delivered well?
Communications that work Asesiad ar effeithiau ehangach ADCDFE ar ddatblygiad athrawon; Asesiad o ddatblygiadau yn y meysydd a nodwyd ar gyfer gwaith pellach yn astudiaeth gwaelodlin 2006; Cyfeirio at ‘arfer nodedig sy’n arwain y sector’ wrth gyflwyno ADCDFE ac i ffynonellau o gyngor, arweiniad a chymorth; Argymhellion realistig ar gyfer canolbwynt cyflwyno ADCDFE am y 5 mlynedd nesaf, i’w chyflwyno trwy fecanweithiau cyllid presennol. Awdur yr adroddiad cylch gwaith – Huw Watkins AEM An assessment on broader ESDGC impacts on teacher development; An assessment of developments in the areas identified for further work in the 2006 baseline study; Signposting to notable ‘sector leading practice’ in the delivery of ESDGC, and to sources of advice, guidance and support; Realistic recommendations for the focus of ESDGC delivery for the next 5 years, to be delivered through existing funding mechanisms. Remit author – Huw Watkins HMI
Communications that work Unrhyw gwestiynau? Any questions? Unrhyw gwestiynau? Any questions? Diolch yn fawr / Thank you
Communications that work
Gweithdai / Workshops
Communications that work
Anne Lewis Cyfarwyddwr Datblygu Busnes Director of Business Development
Communications that work
Jane Davidson Director of Sustainability Institute for Sustainable Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness
Communications that work Fit for the Future? Putting Education at the Heart of Sustainability A view from TSD
Communications that work Think global, act local
Communications that work SD: the definition The Brundtland definition of 'Sustainable Development' from 'Our Common Futures' 1987 World Commission on the Environment and Development "..development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” - the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and - the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
Communications that work SD: the definition The Brundtland definition of 'Sustainable Development' from 'Our Common Futures' 1987 World Commission on the Environment and Development "..development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” - the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and - the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
Communications that work Employers’ views A report Leadership Skills for a Sustainable Economy commissioned by Business in the Community (BITC 2010) shows that over 90% of businesses already recognise these skills are a critical business issue, and 80% think there is an urgent need to put more programmes in place:
Communications that work NUS survey 80% of respondents believe sustainability skills are going to be important to their future employers and the majority of first-year students involved believe that it is the role of universities and courses to prepare them for graduate employment. The softer skills incorporated within sustainable development are consistently of paramount importance to graduates, regardless of course, university type or UK nation. (Bone and Agombar 2011)
Communications that work Key Sustainability Drivers In Wales a constitutional commitment to sustainable development and pending legislation Climate Change Commission with targets of 3% greenhouse gas emission reductions p.a Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) statutory part of Welsh curriculum Wales for Africa programme Wales: a Fairtrade country
Communications that work 5 key themes from the Welsh Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) Action Plan Links between society, economy, environment and between our lives and those of people throughout the world; Needs and rights of both present and future generations; Relationship between power, resources & human rights; Local and global implications of everything we do; and The actions that individuals and organisations can take in responding to local and global issues.
Communications that work commitments launched January 2012
Communications that work TSD Ethos Transforming, shaping, developing Employability Sustainability Internationalism Culture Lifelong learning
Communications that work TSD: A systemic approach Commitment in strategic plan to sustainability -Supported by Students’ Union -Sustainability Directorate established - Staff sustainability skills survey undertaken - Letter from VC in TSD prospectus University-wide ‘Sustainability Exchange’ –Open to staff and students –One meeting on each campus each term –VocalEyes ideas platform on home page New Sustainable Development Group to report to Senate in formal University Committee structure
Communications that work Teaching and Learning Commitment to embed sustainability into all students’ university experience by 2013 intake Discipline specific approaches to new sustainable development related UG and PG programmes and modules including Professional Practice and Associate Faculty Faculty Sustainability plans prepared New Trinity Saint David+ student Employability Award with 20% sustainability component
Communications that work TSD+ Employability Award graduate attributes Active Citizenship: able to appreciate the importance of environmental, social and political contexts to their studies; Creative Problem Solving: able to think creatively, holistically, and systemically and make critical judgements on issues; Teamwork: able to work collaboratively and work in interdisciplinary teams; Learning and Personal Development: able to develop a high level of self- reflection at a personal and professional level; Communication: able to understand, critically evaluate, adopt thoughtfully and communicate sustainability values;
Communications that work Living within environmental limits Introduction of carbon management system Environmental Action plan to achieve Green Dragon Level 5 and improved rating in People and Planet Green League in 2013 Cycle to Work Scheme introduced Fairtrade status gained Students’ Charter commits to achieve NUS Green Impact award 9 new student sustainability internships Sustainability Exchange - Fairtrade - Green Impact
Communications that work Newsflash Winner of the new Guardian Higher Education Award in the sustainability category University Awards: Higher Education Network | guardian... network/2012/...awards
Communications that work
Mark McKenna Founding Director Down to Earth Project
Communications that work We think ESDGC should be: 1) Accessible for all 2) Focused on solutions 3) Done through examples and “doing”
Communications that work ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL There are 2 big reasons for social inclusion in ESDGC: The very fabric of ESDGC is based on equality and inclusion The most disadvantaged will be most exposed to the impacts of climate change and a non- sustainable society
Communications that work DONE THROUGH EXAMPLES AND “DOING” “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” R. Buckminster Fuller
Communications that work
Communications that work
Gweithdai / Workshops
Communications that work
Cwestiynau Panel / Panel Questions Peter Davies Comisiynydd Dyfodol Cynaliadwy Commissioner for Sustainable Future David Fitzpatrick Cynnal Cymru Mark McKenna Down to Earth Project Alison Creed Agored Cymru Jane Davidson Inspire (cadeirydd/chair)
Communications that work Gwersi i’w dysgu o’r diwrnod Lessons from the day Jane Davidson Janet Barlow