Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS An ETA and VETS Partnership Effort August 23 rd, 2012; 2:00 - 3:00PM (ET)
2 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Welcome to Workforce 3 One! Welcome to Workforce 3 One!
3 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS To submit a question, type the question in the text field and press your Enter/Return key. ‒ Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Your name and your question will appear on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Submitting Questions: Closed Chat Text Field Gary, where can I find today’s PPT?
4 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.
5 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.
6 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Featured Speakers Moderator Amy Young, Unit Chief, Specialty National Programs, Employment and Training Administration Presenters Cecilia Coatney, Veterans' Employment and Training Service Carmen Ortiz, National WOTC Coordinator, Employment and Training Administration
7 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Presenter Cecilia Coatney Veterans' Employment & Training Service
8 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS IRS Video - WOTC and Veterans: –
9 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Presenter Carmen Ortiz National WOTC Coordinator Employment and Training Administration
10 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS What’s in It for You? Obtaining information on the VOW Act amendments and new provisions targeting certain Veteran groups; Understanding the WOTC program and employers’ application process; and Understanding how VETS can use WOTC as an employment tool with employers.
11 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Objectives Explain what the WOTC program is & how it works for Veterans & employers. Show how participating employers can benefit from different tax credit tiers for hiring different unemployed and Veteran groups. Explain what documentation is required for most veteran groups including Disabled Veterans.
12 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS What is the WOTC Program? Enacted in 1996 by the Small Business Job Protection Act… It’s a tax credit incentive Congress created to: Encourage private sector employers to create jobs & training opportunities for individuals with significant barriers to employment. Currently, the WOTC non-veteran groups are experiencing a hiatus. Its authority* expired on Dec. 31, Current proposed legislation seeks a 2-yr. retroactive extension of those groups & the VOW Act provisions due to expire on Dec. 31, 2012.
13 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS WOTC TARGET GROUPS There are 8 non-veteran target groups: Qualified TANF Recipients Qualified Veterans Qualified Ex-felons Designated Community Residents (HR Youth) Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals Qualified Summer Youth Qualified SNAP (Food Stamp) Recipients SSI Recipients Qualified Long-term TANF Recipients
14 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 (P.L ) Section 261 and WOTC… The bill was signed into law by President Obama on November 21, 2011; Applies to Veterans hired on or after Nov. 22, 2011 and before January 1, 2013; and Expands certain Veteran groups, creates two new categories, increases wages & tax credits available to participating employers, and grants the WOTC for the first time to 501(c) “tax-exempt” organizations.
15 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS The VOW Act of Extended the current Veteran group receiving SNAP benefits (same wages & tax credit); Extended the current Disabled Veteran group (same wages and tax credit); Extended the current Disabled Veteran group unemployed for 6 months (with increased wages set at $24,000 for a maximum tax credit up to $9,600); Grants the WOTC, for the first time, to certain 501(c) “tax-exempt” organizations; and VOW Act Highlights…
16 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS VOW Act Highlights… The VOW Act – (Cont.) Created two “Unemployed Veteran” categories: ‒ Veterans unemployed for at least 4 weeks, and ‒ Veterans unemployed for at least 6 months. Next slide presents: ‒ Percentages based on “number of hours” worked by the Veteran (Minimum Retention Period requirement); and ‒ The different increased tax credits employers can claim for hiring certain veterans.
17 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS VOW Act Increased Wages & Tax Credits TARGET GROUP Max Tax Credit (25% works 120 hrs) Max Tax Credit (40% works 400 hrs) Wages Vet Receiving SNAP $1,500$2,400$6,000 Disabled Vet (Hired within 1 yr) $3,000$4,800$12,000 Disabled Vet (unemployed 6 months) $6,000$9,600$24,000 Unemployed Vet (4 weeks) $1,500 $2,400 $6,000 Unemployed Vet (6 months) $3,500$5,600 $14,000
18 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS The Certification (Application) Request Process It Takes 3 Simple Steps to Apply: An Employer or Representative: 1) Completes page 1 of IRS Form 8850 by the date of the job offer; and 2) Completes one of the following U.S. Department of Labor forms : ETA Form 9061, if the new hire has not been given an ETA Form 9062; ETA Form 9062, Conditional certification, provided to the new hire by a Veteran Participating Agency (e.g., ENs to Ticket Holders), a SWA or other PAs.
19 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS The Certification (Application) Request Process (Cont.) It Takes 3 Simple Steps to Apply: 3) Submits/mails the signed and dated IRS and ETA two forms to the respective SWA: Employers must submit the two forms not later than 28 calendar days after the new hire begins work.
20 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Eligibility Determination & Documentary Evidence Who is a Veteran? According to Sec. 51(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code a Veteran is an individual who: Served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days; or Was discharged from active duty for a service-connected disability; and Did not have any day during the 60-day period prior to the hiring date, which was a day of “extended active duty” in the Armed Forces of the USA.
21 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Eligibility Determination & Documentary Evidence Required Documentary Evidence… To establish that the new hire is a qualifying Veteran, employers may submit to a SWA: Form DD-214 Letters of Separation Discharge Papers Benefits’ Award Letters Letters of Separation or related docs., - must be on Agency letterhead or bear an Agency seal/stamp. The letters should be signed by the individual who verified the disability information (See TEGL 32-11).
22 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Eligibility Determinations by State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) SWAs will certify Veterans as meeting the required unemployment periods by using: UI Wage Records, and/or UI Claims Records.
23 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Outreach Toolkit & WOTC National Website SWAs, Federal and State Partners, Participating Agencies (e.g., DVA service agencies), Employers and Their Representatives… Can now download “free of charge” the following tools for conferences, meetings or recruitment activities of all sizes and types. These are available at: VOW Act Fact Sheet WOTC Program Fact Sheet WOTC and Veteran Brochure for Employers WOTC Program Brochure Directories of WOTC Regional and State Coordinators Current TEGLs (32-11) & (Hiatus)to the SWAs with program guidance.
24 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Outreach Toolkit & WOTC National Website Other tools and documents SWAs & Employers can now download “free of charge” include: Application Forms (IRS 8850 and ETA 9061 or 9062); Spanish Versions of IRS 8850 and ETA 9061 to help Spanish speaking applicants understand those two forms; Access to the following links: IRS, HUD, HHS, USDA, and DVA; and Notice – published by IRS.
25 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS IRS Notice IRS published Notice February 9, 2012 This Notice provides SWAS, employers and “tax-exempt” organizations: Information, interpretation and clarification of the VOW Act provisions, and Grants WOTC employers and their representatives a 2 nd., certification request filing option
26 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS IRS Notice (Cont.) Notice Introduces all participating players to: The amendments and new provisions of Sec. 261 of the VOW Act of 2011; The Filing Relief Period granted to employers/representatives for applications submitted before and after May 22, 2012 for a SWA to consider those applications “timely” filed; and The 2 filing available options: 1. E-Filing (with electronic signatures) and 2. Faxing (to SWAs accepting faxed requests).
27 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Presenter Cecilia Coatney Veterans' Employment & Training Service
28 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS What does this mean for LVERs? Another Tool in Business Services Toolbox Use WOTC to assist in outreach to businesses. Target outreach to Federal Contracting Job Listing (FCJL) employers Focus on “tax-exempt” non-profit organizations, now eligible for WOTC. Develop outreach strategies to veteran resource agencies/organizations.
29 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS What does this mean for LVERs? Another Tool in Business Services Toolbox Partner with other Business Services staff in coordinated employer outreach efforts. Promote WOTC to incentivize other training programs or employment initiatives that involve veteran participants. Educate DVOP and Career Center staff on how unemployed Vets might self-market WOTC when submitting employment applications or resumes.
30 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period
31 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Resources WOTC program website : – IRS Video - WOTC and Veterans : – IRS WOTC information : –
32 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Contact Information Questions for the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service? Contact your VETS State Coordinator Questions for the Employment and Training Administration? Contact Carmen Ortiz, National WOTC Coordinator – –Phone: Questions for your State Workforce Agency? Contact the WOTC Coordinator in your state:
33 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
34 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.
35 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS Stay Informed, Get Connected!
36 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & VOW Act National Training Webinar for VETS For more information about the Workforce Investment System: Visit Call US2-JOBS