1 Workshop on Regional Co- operation in Education Statistics Belgrade, 6-7 December 2012 ETF.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Regional Co- operation in Education Statistics Belgrade, 6-7 December 2012 ETF

THE TORINO PROCESS a participatory process leading to an evidence-based analysis of VET policies in a given country. Create a base of evidence to support VET analysis What we did? Improve the process: lesson learnt from 2010 experience Ask the countries feedback: Regional Workshops (March 2012) Data collection/Data request Analysis of data quality/availability: gaps and opportunities ETF Evidence Based Policy Management Department The Stats Team

Total population Population growth Population by age Dependency rates GDP growth GDP per capita GDP by sector Socio-economic Educational attainment of the population Employment by sector /status Activity, Employment, Unemployment rates Youth Unemployment rates Labour Market Employment rates by education Unemployment rates by education Education Literacy Total enrolment Participation VET by field Public Expenditure on VET Participation in Lifelong learning Drop-out rates in VET Student/teacher ratio in VET The Key Indicators 2012

Socio-economic data Available from international sources Kosovo* (under UNSCR 1244) not always available Census 2011 data released Labour Market data Generally a good coverage with good degree of comparability (LFS methodologies); updated information ( ) Old data for Albania and Kosovo* (2009) Scarce availability of data detailed by educational level and, above all, VET Reference to national classifications of the education system (no comparability at regional level) Countries who replied our data request provided updated detailed information data exist, but not realised Availability/Quality of data

Education data No particular problems for enrolment by level and programme: only in few cases national classification are used (ME,TR) Participation in VET by field of study: available on-line or received from the countries. Missing for HR, XK and TR Participation in Lifelong Learning (EU 2020 benchmark): usually available (missing for BA and XK) Expenditure on education: missing or old (2009) at general level; scarce availability by programme (VET) Student/teachers ratio in VET Drop-out rates: scarcely available, particularly referring to VET Availability/Quality of data

EU 2020: what’s the situation? 2011EU 27OBJ 2020ALBHHRKSMEMKRSTR Gross domestic expenditure on R&D - % of GDP 2.0 (e) 3% 0.2 (08) 0.02 (09) 0.8 (09) m 1.1 (07) 0.2 (08) 0.9 (09) 0.8 (09) Employment rate (20-64)68.275% (25-64) 57m 54.4 (25-64) Early school leavers % of with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training % 39 (08) 65.1 (07) 4.1 (u) m 15.5 (m) 9.2 (f) (09) Tertiary educational attainment % of who have successfully completed university or university- like education % 17.2 (08) m24.5mm20.4m16.3 Four-year-olds in education - Participation rate (%) 90.8 (10) at least 95% (10) m (10) 53 (e) 39 (10) Lifelong learning % of participating in education and training 8.915% 2 (09) m2.3m % of pupils with low performance in the reading scale (Level 1 or below) (2009) 20.0 less than 15% 56.6na22.5na49.5na % of pupils with low performance in the mathematics scale (Level 1 or below) (2009) 22.7 less than 15% 67.7na33.2na58.4na % of pupils with low performance in the science scale (Level 1 or below) (2009) 18.1 less than 15% 57.3na18.5na53.6na Sources: Eurostat, World Bank, OECD, National statistical Offices: LFS publications m: missing data; na: not applicable; (e) estimation; (f) female; (m) male Old data Age ranges Availability

What do the numbers tell us and what can we do about it? Policy Challenges Strong inertia from the past: homogenous vs. diverse classrooms and schools Teachers and mainstream schools are not well prepared to address differences in students Lack of sufficient understanding, awareness and support in society at large about inclusion in education Lack of solid and reliable evidence (data) to inform the policy making cycle Fragmentation of the policy response to be replaced by holistic, integrated approach Main findings SI in education: reducing educational disadvantage and educational inequalities Targeting the most disadvantaged groups (SEN students, Roma, IDPs and returnees) High school drop-out rates, critical transition from primary to secondary education Ethnicity strongly affects educational choices Gender issues in education participation for some countries (XK, TR) and groups (Roma) Underused potential of VET for SI promotion

8 Questions  What – or whom – are we missing from this picture?  How can those missing elements be documented? How can we better capture the situation?  And what role can VET play in alleviating the problem?

Pillars emerging from country work Evidence creationEvidence mediationEvidence use Need to build a shared vision Improve data basis and data management Improve functional arrangements and cross institutional coordination Support policy leaders in use of evidence for improved effectiveness Improve links between research and policy making Strengthen participation in the policy making cycle Target actions for use of evidence at all stages of policy cycle Improve tools and technologies for evidence collection, mediation and use

In 2012 Evidence creationEvidence mediationEvidence use Work on vision with high level policy makers Strengthen statistic coherence (identify and develop relevant statistics, moving towards comparability and common ground inspired by the Copenhagen process) in partner countries Build capacities around the policy cycle Torino process implementation – building on 2010 experience and results – an opportunity for policy leaders to reflect on evidence, measurement of effectiveness and efficiency Continue work for capacity development at multiple levels (national and subnational) 1.Contribute to the governance debate through supporting istitutional mapping and capacity development related to functional analysis at multiple levels in the system 2.Contribute to the debate on matching and skills forecasting through methodologies for capacity development and istitutional and functional analysis.