CALO News Pascal Perret LPC Clermont 22 January 2012
2 LS1 Activities PS maintenance: February (see Stephane’s presentation) Access to VFE box (top) will be done with yellow nacelle ECAL: 1 week/side to be scheduled HCAL: 3 weeks/side (see Yuri’s presentation) C-side in January: Jan. 23 – Feb. 15 RP inspection today A-side in May? Purchasing of ECAL/HCAL spare PMT? CALO moving system Lead: closure to be improved. LAPP mechanicians will have a look Feb 18 – 20 ? XCAL rails & vis à billes to clean up: Robert + LAPP Electric cabinet: who is in charge: LAPP 1 st meeting on Jan 14 th to define the needs Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014
3 LS1 Activities Wiener PS and turbine maintenance: Dec. 12 – end of Jan. From L. Roy 21/01/14 LS1 meeting: Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/ TELL1 PS are ready, waiting for other devices Turbines (detector side): ready to be installed To be scheduled OT had some problems with Maraton tracked to come from dust in water. They had to change water connectors. Checks are needed Could have to do the same … Sub- detector Power Supplies CAEN Power Supplies WIENER Air cooling Units (D3+B1) Air cooling Units (Detector side) CALO- In maintenance Return 27/01 In maintenance Ready re- install this week?
4 LS1 Activities Addition of TELL1 to be scheduled Stephane + Patrick + Niko ECAL fiber bundles production & installation: cf Yuri RICH2 tower extension almost ready ECAL A-side will be open this afternoon RP inspection this afternoon, Safety inspection needed also An EDMS document written Installation could start tomorrow? ~6 weeks per side??? + commissioning ECS migration: cf Xavier Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014
5 LS1 Activities Water leak A small water leak has been spotted by DSS in rack L3B01 on Dec. 20. A visual inspection seems to indicate it is coming from the horizontal heat exchanger inside the rack. The two valves at the top of the rack have been closed. Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014 A (false) fire alarm triggered CO2 extinguisher in this tack some time before: correlations? To be changed To check that electronics was not damaged!
6 LS1 Activities: summary Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014 ECAL LED A-side HCAL C-side ECAL LED C-side HCAL A-side PS C-side Lead MUON Commissioning weeks: March May 5-12 June 30 – July 4 Feb 3March 3
7 Calibration Follow-up of our workshop Summary provided by Marie-Noelle at 2nd LHCb Computing workshop on Nov. 7th The request for 80 Hz min biais was not contested In addition it was agreed that we will go on with FMDST if this request is still valid. The current scheme will survive. The new scheme based on occupancy method is welcomed A “calibration week” will be scheduled to test the new methods of the different subdetectors. A lot of work is needed: We have to progress on the automation of the calibration! New people from Annecy are joining CALO performance paper: Meeting with reviewers at 11 am Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014
8 Next meetings /02* 02/04 21/05* (tbc) 09/07 10/09* 08/10 26/11* * prior LHCb week Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 22/01/2014