8.1 Introduction (page 79) Chapter 8 Notes: The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Define pharaoh. What is a mummy? List the three important periods in ancient Egyptian history 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ Use the postcard to the left to answer the questions below: What do you see on this postcard? Who might have ordered the monuments to be built? Describe a monument in our society that might be similar to these. List four treasures found in King Tut’s tomb: Why did pharaohs build monuments? _________ Tutankhamen was discovered in _________. Name:___________________ Color:_______ Date:________
8.2 Ancient Egypt and Its Rulers (page 80) Define pyramid: The _______ Kingdom lasted from 2,700 to ________ BCE.. The Old Kingdom is sometimes referred to as the _____________ ____ ___________________ The _________ Kingdom lasted from ________ to ________ BCE. List two achievements of the Old Kingdom. 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ List three achievements of the Middle Kingdom: 1.________________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 3.________________________________________ The Middle Kingdom is sometimes referred to as the _____________ ____ _________________________ The ______ Kingdom lasted from ________ to ________ BCE.. The New Kingdom is sometimes referred to as the _________________ _____________ List two achievements of the New Kingdom: 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ During all three periods, Egypt was ruled by _______________. Describe what “supreme power” meant for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
Draw and label a picture of this symbol. 8.3 Pharaoh Khufu: The Pyramid Builder (page 81) Khufu ruled from ________ to ________ BCE, during the _________ Kingdom, for a total of _________ years! Khufu is best known for building the __________ _________ ____ __________. The Great Pyramid sat at the center of a huge complex of… How was the Great Pyramid built? How long did it take to complete? 8.4 Pharaoh Senusret I: Patron of the Arts (page 82) Senusret Iwas a __________ leader who ruled during the __________ Kingdom from ________ to ________ B.C.E.. What was the Egyptian symbol for immortality? Explain why pharaohs would be sculpted holding this symbol. Explain three ways Khufu established the pharaoh as the central authority. 1.___________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________ The arts flourished during Senusret I reign he controlled ________, _________, and _________ mines. Below label and draw a picture representing each example. Art:Literature:Architecture:
8.5 Pharaoh Hatshepsut: Promoter of Egyptian Trade (page 83) Hatshepsut ruled from _________ to __________ BCE, during the _______ Kingdom. She was Egypt's _________ __________ pharaoh! What was Hatshepsut's greatest accomplishment? As pharaoh Hatshepsut ____________ __________ with other countries, which helped to spread Egyptian influence! Describe the stunning monument that Hatshepsut left behind: List 4 ways Hatshepsut strengthened her position as pharaoh. 1._____________________________________ 2._____________________________________ 3._____________________________________ 4._____________________________________ Her largest expedition was to…
8.6 Pharaoh Ramses II: Military Leader and Master Builder (page 84-85) Describe 3 of Ramses II military accomplishments. 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ Ramses II ruled from __________ to _________ BCE during the ________ _____________. He reigned for more than _____ years! Ramses II was known as a master builder, describe four features of the temple built at Abu Simbel.