NGO Athena Athens Meeting n° 1 : November 2012 Workshop n° 1 1- Partner’s presentation Workshop n° 2 2- Answers to key questions
WORKSHOP N° 1 Presentation of "ATHENA”
The virtues of goddess Athena inspired us to create the non-profit organization "ATHENA" which has as primary concern social care. "Wisdom“ is our daily effort to hear the voices of the society and the problems that affect her. "Strategy" is our ongoing information and awareness of the public opinion through services and activities that we develop. "War" is the battle that we need to make together to mobilize the relevant bodies as well as each one of us individually for a single purpose: to fight all the phenomena that deprive any person of the right for a more quality life!
Presentation of "ATHENA” About us… "ATHENA" is a Non-profit, Non-governmental company that operates in the field of Social Care. Its main objective is to inform people and create awareness on important social issues. The actions of "ATHENA" began with the foundation of two residential homes for psychosocial rehabilitation, THALPOS I & THALPOS II. The last years, "ATHENA" has extended its activities on issues concerning the wider field of health (mental and otherwise), child care, human rights and employment are some of the key social issues which the company is active in.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Our vision… "Like goddess Athena was always close to people, willing to stand by them and to help them, so we try to be close to those in need." With small steps, but steady we aspire to come together and become a solid punch in order to tackle any problem that plagues our society and this way make the world around us better. Our goal is, with the continued support of people through volunteer work, to make our steps grow, to try daily and make people more aware of social issues and build the basis for a more healthy society.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 1.OP "Development of Human Resources", “Job creation at the local level through public benefit programs‘ "ATHENA" in collaboration with local authorities participates actively in the development of actions to combat unemployment in the above Operational Program. Specifically, the job opportunities which were created concerned different specialties (nursery assistants, nursery staff, nutritionists, administrators, health visitors, workers, workers of general duties, occupational therapists, social workers, sociologists, technicians, medics, physiotherapists, radiographers, psychologists etc) A total of 704 unemployed people were hired to implement social actions for a five-month period and currently they are employed in the different partner organizations
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 1.OP "Development of Human Resources", “Job creation at the local level through public benefit programs‘ Some of the social actions that are implemented by the partner organizations include actions concerning: personal care services cared for Hospital Units personal support services for vulnerable groups psychological support and counseling for vulnerable groups creative work of children development of volunteering sport programs environmental actions etc.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 2.Operation of Units for Psychosocial Rehabilitation THALPOS I (Kalamata) and THALPOS II (Kifisia) was firstly implemented as a project co-funded by the European Social Fund (75%) and by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (25%) under the OP " Health and Welfare "Priority Axis 2, Measure 2.1 for the" De-institutionalization and socio-economic (re)integration of people with mental disorders". THALPOS I (Kalamata) was funded in 2007 in the city of Kalamata and accommodates 15 adults, derived from the Psychiatric Hospital of Tripoli. THALPOS II (Kifisia) was funded in 2006 in the area of Kifisia and accommodates 15 young adults coming home from the Psychiatric Hospital.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 2.Operation of Units for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Residential Homes) Our Residential Homes are units of high degree of protection and care aiming to the Psychosocial Rehabilitation of people with mental disorders, who previously resided in psychiatric hospitals. Our services focus on providing quality living conditions, psychological treatment and psychosocial support to our residents in order to ensure their integration in the community and their participation in local activities and in life in general. The foundation and function of our Residential Homes aim to: (re) acquisition and maintenance of social skills of our residents promoting their health improving the quality of their life
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 2.Operation of Units for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Residential Homes) The services we provide to our residents in the process of psychosocial rehabilitation are: psychiatric and nursing care, medication training in independent living skills and socialization of the residents psychological and social support for themselves and their families creative and vocational education according to their age and abilities These services are complemented by ongoing assessment of the activities realized and scientific research in order to develop written standards and indicators for ensuring the quality of mental health care provided.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Running projects… 3.Antipoverty campaign On the occasion of our cooperation with AIESEC GREECE we hosted 3 students from China in order to organize an antipoverty awareness campaign. Our goal is to gather pictures reflecting facts about poverty in different regions of Greece and present them in an open exhibition. The campaign will be supported and promoted by the media.
Presentation of "ATHENA” Previous projects… “ATHENA” has realized over the past years different actions in the field of social care in order to inform and aware the public in different social issues. Some of our actions are the following: Informative events aimed to improve employment among unemployed people (in collaboration with Ministry of Labor) Play and Learn on Mental Health – the first game on mental health (in collaboration with the European Project “Youth in Action”) Participation and Rewarding in the 736 Ιdeas for a Dream Participation of "ATHENA" in the "National Network for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect of Children" Action group Athina: activities with students Workshops on different social issues: “Child and mental health”, "Positive actions for equal opportunities for both sexes”, "Mental Health, all people’s right in life“, "Depression - the silent disease of our times“, “Environmental concern” etc
What is the purpose of the project ? The purpose of the project “Against Exclusion" brings together a Learning Partnership who will work closely to activate socially and culturally excluded groups. The idea behind the project is to use the various forms of art, drama, film, photography, theatre, drawing, music, dance and crafts to explore the culture across the individual partners and encourage Teachers and Learners to examine methods of engagement and motivation. The involved project partners will work together to perform art, drama, dance and craft exhibitions which will be their training object in dealing with effective social integration. The result will be made accessible to the public on a project homepage as well as at a final professional show and exhibition performed by Teachers/Trainers and Learners. The learning partnership ‘Against Exclusion’ makes a contribution to the exchange of experience and to the acquisition of alternative learning and engagement methods, especially with older teachers and learners.
What are your duties on the project ? In general “ATHENA” will contribute as the rest of the partners by: preparing and hosting mobilities, partnership visits, meetings, workshops presentation of their conceptions and work methods in disadvantaged contexts within their countries active participation in partnership visits, workshops, discussions, presentations, and seminars intensification of work for the excluded regular contacts with the coordinator and other partners constant communication with their NAs disseminating the project’s idea and results in local environment contributing to the realisation and updating of website logistic and financial discipline in the project Some more specific duties that we will undertake are: present workshop (1st mobility) provision to all partners tools and info in a specific approach/methodology in art–therapy/ counselling for Social Vulnerable Groups (SVGs) dedicated both to counsellors and their beneficiaries creation of the web-site
What will your organization bring to the project ? Knowledge Shared experience Theatrical / Art tools and methodology Networking Fun (!)
Do you already know tools, instruments, relevant surveys or studies that could help us in our working process… Yes we have trained in Writing Theater Methodology and tools We also use art as therapeutic tool in several forms
Is there some questions, topics or subjects you would like to speak about during the first meeting ? All topics are covered by meeting agenda