Quantum Numbers
Principle Quantum Number Symbol is n n = 1, 2, 3,…. In integral positive values Main energy level occupied by the electron General distance from the nucleus More than one electron occupies each energy level Electrons further from the nucleus have greater energy. As the orbitals increase in size the electrons spend more time away from the nucleus, and are more loosely held. Total number of orbitals at each energy level is n 2
Angular Momentum Quantum Number Symbol – l Energy sublevel includes all similarly shaped orbitals in a particular sublevel l = 0 to n-1. Also referred to by letters where 0 = s 1 = p 2 = d 3 = f
Orbital shapes s is Spherical I s orbital at each energy level p is dumbbell shaped 3 p orbitals at each energy level d and f are more complex shapes 5 d orbitals at each energy level 7 f orbitals at each energy level Number of sublevels at each energy level is n
Magnetic Quantum Number Symbol is m l Indicates the orientation of each orbital around the nucleus m l = -l, (-l + 1 ) … 0 … (l + 1), l
s and p orbitals s is spherical m l is always 0 P is dumbbell shaped 3 orbitals of p shape M l = -1, 0, 1
d and f orbitals d and f orbitals are more complex d orbitals m l = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 f orbitals m l = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
Spin Quantum Number Symbol m s 2 possible values +1/2 and -1/2 Each orbital can contain at most 2 electrons and they must have opposite spins Electrons spin on an internal axis