The Daily Lives of Slaves
Forms of Resistance Violence Feigning Illness Breaking Tools Injuring Livestock Poisoning Master’s Food Burning Barns Running Away Religion & Child Naming
Southern Slavery 1690s = Carolina begins to cultivate rice Africans brought knowledge and skills to grow rice 1698 = 10,000 pounds of rice exported from South Carolina 1730 = 20 million pounds exported from South Carolina
South Carolina 1730s = North and South Carolina splits 1730s = 2/3 of South Carolina are slaves 1740s = Indigo introduced Cone-shaped thatched roof huts Shotgun shacks
Slavery in the Chesapeake Gang labor on Virginia tobacco plantations 3 types of slaves: skilled workers, house workers, and field hands Diet of cornmeal, salt pork, fish, and vegetables
Slavery in the North New York & New Jersey = slave population of 15% -30% Shipyards, small farms, and domestic slave labor Philadelphia, Boston, New York have free black communities Slave codes in the north
Resistance through Clothing “Dressing your station” Bright greens, blues, reds, purples Slaves used scraps of quilt fabric
Religion Islam, Christianity, and a combination of Christianity & West African beliefs Baptist, Episcopalian, and Methodists
Slave Codes 1632 = Bermuda creates first British colonial slave codes 1682 = Virginia has first North American slave codes 1712 = South Carolina has harshest slave codes Slaves labeled as “chattel” Slaves not allowed to trade, read, own weapons, meet in groups, leave plantations without a pass, or defend themselves
The Stono Rebellion 1739 = South Carolina rebellion Largest slave rebellion in colonial era Angolan soldiers 44 slaves and 21 whites killed Slaves marched south to Florida Over 100 slaves involved
Emergence of African-American Culture Difficult to form families African naming practices “Jumping the Broom” Drum circle, spirituals, call and response 17 th century drum from Jamaica