Hadean zircons are the only dated material on Earth to have gone through the LHB (also found elsewhere besides Western Australia; more every year!) Five grains chosen for ultra-high resolution depth-profile analysis based on concordant ages (no significant Pb-loss in whole grain) Goal: Elucidate a cryptic record of thermal events affecting the crust before the rock record Depth profile analysis
A word about sample preparation (1) (2) (3)
Hadean Zircons and the LHB AFTER: Gomes R, Levison HF, Tsiganis K, Morbidelli, A Origin of the cataclysmic late heavy bombardment period of the terrestrial planets Nature 435 (7041): MAY APPEARING IN: Trail D, Mojzsis SJ, Harrison TM, Levison HF Do Hadean zircons retain a record of the Late Heavy Bombardment on Earth? LPSC XXXVII ?
Pre-4000 Ma thermal events? 4300 Ma core age
Pre-4000 Ma thermal events? 4200 Ma core age JH992FC02_31
Hadean Zircons and the LHB relative quiet?
Results JH992FC02_31 JH992FC16_8-10
Modeled lunar Accretionary mass flux Gomes et al., 2005
Future work Establish origin of 3.9 Ga overgrowths Diffusion related? Exogenic vs. Endogenic Profile tens of Hadean zircons Are ~3.9 Ga zones common? Will older >3.9 Ga rims be discovered? Impact related? Can Hadean zircons resolve individual impact events? Do Lunar zircons retain multiple growth episodes?
Beartooth Mountains Map from Mueller et al., 1992
Beartooth Mountains