”I, my family, my neighbors” We started working on the topic ”I, my family, my neighbors” during class lessons. The pupils revealed themselves unexpectedly while working on the project. The had a chance to show their organizational abilities, secret talents were found out, and what is more important they acquired skills of getting the knowledge themselves.
”I, my family, my neighbors” The children had prepared their portraits before, had written the essays about themselves, their friends, families and hobbies. The most important was to express your own image. They could ask for help their friends, teacher or parents.
”I, my family, my neighbors” The presentation of the portraits was the second stage. Now we see the results of the work. In fact, the children have become more friendly, they can learn themselves. The result of the project work is the fact that pupils are able to work in groups, consider the opinions of the others, be able to be happy about somebody’s success. Also, the children’s outlook has expanded, the relations have changed to better.
”I, my family, my neighbors” I have found out a lot of new and interesting about the children, what they can tell about themselves, which is very difficult for a primary school pupil. The children have developed their creative abilities and thinking as well. They learn how to express themselves in a free and brave way.