Dyson Airblade Tom Havers
Founded by Sir James Dyson in 1992 Manufacture domestic appliances Market leader for vacuum cleaners Develop and manufacture innovative products that often solve flaws in existing similar products.
How a conventional hand dryer works. Uses a heating element to heat air The hot air is then blown onto the hands and the hot air evaporates the moisture Limitations of this method. Heating elements require a lot of energy Evaporation takes a long time to dry hands to a reasonable standard Uses often result to drying there hands on clothing due to the lengthy process.
How it has a positive impact on the environment. Doesn't use heated air, so requires no heater. Uses high speed cool air to scrape water off hands Dry’s hands in 10 seconds Has an operational power rating of 1600 Watts How it achieves this. Uses a switched reluctance motor Giving an air speed of 400mph at the nozzle Air is forced through a tiny gap creating a sheet of air.
Power Rating2300 Watts1600 Watts Time to dry hands27 seconds10 seconds Power usage per use17.25 Watts4.44 Watts
How the design qualities of the air blade could be implemented elsewhere. A similar idea of a sheet of air is used currently in manufacturing, called an air knife. Automated car wash systems use air to dry cars after they have been washed However the manner in which they utilise the air I believe could be improved by implementing a similar system as the Airblade.
Car washes use high velocity air but eject it from large square or circular nozzles This means the air is dispersed and is not very effective in drying the car as it simply blows the water in many directions. If a sheet of high velocity air was ran over the top of a car it would scrape the water off the vehicle more efficiently. This idea of scarping water off of a car is used in manual car washing in the form of a squeegee.
“You know the feeling when some everyday product lets you down.”I could have designed this better myself", you think. But how many of us turn our thoughts into actions? James Dyson does.” Sir James Dyson saw faults in everyday products and went out to design something to overcome these faults Dyson is renowned for good quality and innovative products that perform well Dyson are the market leader for vacuum cleaners
The Airblade is in keeping with the brand image It solves a problem in ordinary hand dryers and does he job of drying hands more efficiently Has the same strong brand identity as other Dyson products
The Airblade also builds on the current brand image The product is environmentally friendly compared to current systems and is more energy efficient This shows to the public that Dyson think about environmental factors and energy saving This was not clearly evident about the company before
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