Emily Steiner EDU 617 Instructor Colandra Taylor February 15 th, 2016
Part of the main focus here at ECA is going out in to the community to help and give back. They currently run many fundraisers to help different charities within the city, go around the neighborhood helping neighbors with outside work, and tutor children in the community.
We have donated over 32 feet of hair to Locks of Love. We have now helped over 50 willing neighbors with outside chores to keep the neighborhood clean. Students have participated in multiple food drives a year for our local pantries. Students ran a lego drive, where 200 lbs of legos were collected and cleaned and donated to the local United Way to be given out to children who are in need. Students collected gently used clothing, and books for three months, and were able to hold a community giveaway for families in need. Students visit twice a month to different elementary schools to volunteer with whatever the school wishes, reading with students, tutoring etc…
Our favorite accomplishment is the community garden we have created. We took advantage of the excess land on our school property and have built a fenced in community garden. People in the community can grow foods on a small plot. While we have created this and offered it, it takes the community to maintain it.
You may think we have it under control, but we do not. Without the community standing behind us, our good intentions would not be successful. When we have drives, we need you to donate, whether its food, clothes, or even hair. Get the word out, share, share, share! Our community garden would not be a success with out the donation of materials and/or money to create it. Also, the participation of the community to actually use it! Attend and participate in our events. Help us spread awareness. The more who participate, the larger our events become in our community!
The Babe Stearn Center is located directly beside our school. We are looking to being a youth mentor program, tutoring, games, sports etc… The Stearn Center is the right facility for this. Together we can work to aide the students in becoming successful with their endeavors.
Please, take the time to fill out the survey in front of you. Tell us what you would like to see us do in our community, and also how you feel the community can work with us to create a better environment for all.