Design for Compliance IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego1 Safety Batteries, Shock, Fire, etc. EMI/EMC/ESD Electromagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Susceptibility Electrostatic Discharge
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego2 Do It Right the First Time or DO IT OVER!
Addressing potential safety or EMI/EMC/ESD problems at the beginning of a design saves both time and money. © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2005 IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego3
4 If you want to sell your product, it must meet applicable standards. You should test it, or have it tested. In some cases, it must be certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL). Many EMI/EMC/ESD compliance practices also affect safety. Except for US government standards, most standards documents cost money. They can usually be downloaded after paying. Observations on Standards & Testing
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego5 There are hundreds of standards; dozens may apply to your product. Ask the testing labs; most will help you find the right standards. Ask about harmonization. Save time & money doing a test once, but with minor variations to cover similar tests from different agencies. Pre-test if possible before committing to an expensive day or two in an outside lab. Observations on Standards & Testing, continued
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego6 Some EMI/EMC/ESD Standards General Background nd_Electrical/Media/PDF/EMC_Testing/Why-50-Percent-Fail-EMC-WP.pdf (EN, IEC, CISPR) Commercial Military (704F)
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego7 Some EMI/EMC/ESD Standards, continued Aviation US FAA (RTCA) DO-160G Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment Change 1 Issued , Prepared by SC-135 RTCA, IncorporatedRTCA, Incorporated DO-160G Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment Issued , Prepared by SC-135 Supersedes DO-160F RTCA, IncorporatedRTCA, Incorporated US FAA (RTCA) RTCA/DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware is a document providing guidance for the development of airborne electronic hardware, published by RTCA, Incorporated.RTCA, Incorporated Who is RTCA? Medical (May 9 Meeting)
Figure 8: Low-frequency return current path Figure 9: Low-frequency return current path with a gapped plane. © 2016 LearnEMC Figure 2: Which is the best trace routing alternative? PoorBadGood IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego8
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2005 IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego9
10 Some good links:
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego11 Disclaimers This presentation is provided as general information, not as specific advice to any current, former, or potential client or as relevant to any particular design or product. The examples provided are for illustration and do not necessarily report observed reality. The regulations, standards, and guidelines cited are not applicable to all products. Other regulations, standards, and guidelines may be applicable to each product.
IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego12 Thank you! Roger Atkinson RFA Design Inc Cell