lecturer: Lina Vladimirovna Zhornyak, Associate Professor
National policy in EIA is defined in the following laws: Federal Law № 7 Environmental Protection (2002); Federal Law № 174 Ecological Expertise (1995); Terms and Conditions of Environmental Impact Assessment of Planned Economic Activities in RF (2000); Instructions in Ecological Feasibility of Economic Activities (1994).
There are several stages in the EIA procedure (Table 1): 1) development of technical specifications (TS) for EIA; 2) environmental impact investigation of economic activities to determine ecological, social and economic consequences and further forecasting, which, in its turn, is defined in the following document “ Preliminary information results of impact assessment”; 3) designing over-all project version of “Information results of impact assessment”.
Pre-investment stage Feasibility study Analysis of economic feasibility Land allocation certificate. Coordination with local administration. Investment intentions. Specification requirements Declaration of Intent (DOI) – request Investment stage Preliminary engineering Preliminary project design Feasibility study – pre-project development Basic engineering Basic project designDevelopment project Detailed Engineering Detailed project designEngineering documentation Feasibility report Engineering-economic reportBusiness plan. Economic feasibility
The following participants are involved in the EIA procedure, each of which has one or another specific function: 1)client - investor; 2)executive in impact assessment; 3)public representatives. Client-investor – a person or entity responsible for document preparation of one or another economic activity with corresponding stated regulations and presenting all documents of stated economic activity for ecological expertise.
The client compiles and submits all information results of impact assessment to General Designer, involving the following documents: 1)decision of head of local administration in land acquisition, including siting act; 2)public consultation protocol; 3)work contract with enclosures: technical specifications; project finance plan; time-line of activities; input (data) list.
Input (data) list issued by Client includes: 1)data of burrow pit; 2)enterprise mechanisms and transport means; 3)field studies data of basin water and air quality for the last 2- 3 years; 4)results of water chemical analyses; 5)background concentration of contaminated substances in water and air according to Hydrometrology and Environmental Monitoring Agency data; 6)data about fauna and flora, including some protected species (Red Data Book); 7)verification letter of hunting administration about animal and bird existence; 8)verification letter of fishery about fish per unit area in a water; 9)verification letter of waste limit in disposal sites, etc.
Executive in impact assessment – a person or entity responsible for procedures of environmental impact assessment in compliance to client’s requirements. Executive is responsible for a full and accurate assessment, in accordance to the ecological regulations and standards. This person plans research, produces TS for EIA and develops ecological monitoring and control programs.
Start-up period (stage) – environmental impact assessment of projected activities are: notice of intention, drafting TS for EIA. The first stage (start-up period) involving project pre-investment phase “ life cycle” embraces the solution of the principle question – possibility \ no possibility of future activity.
During TS for EIA procedure the impact assessment is investigated including alternative project, activity tasks and their performance, etc. resulting in preliminary information results of impact assessment which, in its turn, is presented to the public. After the analysis of public comments and results of public consultations the final version of the IEA document is published. This document is furthered to the state ecological expertise as preliminary design and project documentation. Besides this, a public ecological expertise is executed.
Public representatives can be involved within the framework of this procedure during preliminary design and during the EIA procedure itself, as well as, during public comments and public consultations. Participation of public representatives in EIA procedure is organized by the local government administration and maintained by the client.
6)comparison of expected ecological and associated social-economic consequences and their alternatives, including refusal of this \ that activity, its feasibility and further implementation; 7)development of proposals in ecological monitoring programs and further control throughout all implementation stages of planned economic activity; 8)introduction of recommendations in post- project implementation analysis of this \ that economic activity.
1)information involving the characteristic features and dimension of environmental impact on planned economic activity, implementation alternatives, evaluation of ecological risks and their social-economic consequences and possible minimization; 2)identification and registration of public preference relevant to the client’s decision concerning planned activity; 3)client’s decision in determining alternatives of planned activity (including location of facility, selection of technology, etc.) or refusal in accordance to the results of EIA.