Andrew Hanushevsky: File System I/O First INFN International School on Architectures, tools and methodologies for developing efficient large scale scientific computing applications Ce.U.B. – Bertinoro – Italy, 12 – 17 October 2009
Goals Sensitize you to File System limitations –How I/O choices make or break performance Show what to do and not to do –Keeping performance high How to broadly translate advice –Databases and frameworks 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky2
Disk Mechanics Disk surface is divided into sectors –Usually 512 bytes An I/O operation requires that the disk –Move the head to the right circular track (seek time) –Wait until the proper sector arrives (rotational delay) –Then transfer the data Sources: /16/20093Andrew Hanushevsky Disk rotation
Mechanical Devices Are Slow CharacteristicSeagateSeagate CheetahSeagate Barracuda 180X15-36LPBarracuda 36ES TypeHigh CapacityHigh PerformanceDesktop Capacity181.6GB36.7GB18.4GB Min Seek Time0.8ms0.3ms1.0ms Avg seek time7.4ms3.6ms9.5ms Spindle speed7200rpm15K rpm7200 rpm Avg Rotational Delay4.17ms2 ms4.17 ms Max xfr rate160 MB/s MB/s25 MB/s Sector Size Source: 10/16/20094Andrew Hanushevsky
Slowness In Perspective 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky t cwtSeek time 7.4msRot Delay 4.17msx Reading 64K requires, on average, 11.77ms, excluding channel wait time (cwt). Actual data transfer (x) occupies disk 1.7% of the total time. You need to read almost 2MB to achieve 50% channel utilization! The faster Cheetah drive accomplishes this 48% faster (5.652 ms) But channel utilization drops to less than 1% requiring a read of 3MB for 50% channel utilization. Seagate Barracuda 180
File System Mechanics File System groups N sectors into an I/O Unit –Usually 8 to 256 sectors (4K to 128K, sometimes more) Data always read & written in I/O units or blocks –Simplifies mapping files into memory This is why a block size is typically a multiple of the page size Data, in unit sizes, is cached in memory –Speeds future access to data within the block Additional subsequent blocks may be pre-read –With the hope they will be wanted in the future 10/16/20096Andrew Hanushevsky
File System & Slowness File system tries to hide disk slowness –Memory caching to avoid disk I/O Also done in high-end disk controller caches –Pre-reading to keep channel utilization high Done in the background to minimize impact –Also done in some high-end RAID disk controllers –Offset ordering Reduces seek time –Also done in high-end disk controllers 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky7
File System Performance Varies OperationExt3 Ext4 Improvement Creation of eight 1 GB files155.9 sec145.1 sec6.9 % Write speed 55.4 MB/sec 59.3 MB/sec 7.0 % Deletion of eight 1 GB files11.87 sec0.33 sec97.2 % 10,000 random reads and writes in an 8 GB file80.0 ops/sec88.7 ops/sec10.9 % Source: 10/16/20098Andrew Hanushevsky
What This Implies FS performance Disk Performance Behavior of application is the determinant –How much application data per I/O request? –Sequential access? –Random access? What is the r/w cycle length? –How many different blocks will be hit before a block revisit? All of these have a profound effect –Independent of file system or disk device These might make it a little better or worse 10/16/20099Andrew Hanushevsky
Effect of I/O Request Size Recall FS reads/writes data in blocks –Assume block is 4K then reading… 512 bytes = 12.5% efficiency 1024 bytes = 25.0% efficiency 2048 bytes = 50.0% efficiency 4096 bytes = 100 % efficiency –Application should try to keep efficiency high Each read should be as large as possible Subsequent reads should use cached data 10/16/200910Andrew Hanushevsky
Effect of Sequential Access This is the easiest for FS and Disk –Large disk devices are inherently sequential However, your app is not alone –Application interleaving produces random I/O FS read-ahead attempts to alleviate some of this Each sequential request should be large –1-4MB per request usually the works best 10/16/200911Andrew Hanushevsky
Effect of Random I/O Random I/O is a performance destroyer –True for mechanical disks but not for SSD’s Cycle length is important 10/16/200912Andrew Hanushevsky Page Page containing offset 0 replaced Reading offset 2048 requires re-read! 2048 Read Offset: Read Offset Cycle Length of 7 pages > cache size of 6 pages
Contrived Example? Yes, memory caches are very large today –Typically, 1,048,576 pages (4GB) Works great if your application is alone –Not true for multi-core batch nodes Can shrink to 131,072 pages (500MB) for 8 cores –Effective size per running job –Definitely not true for file servers They serve thousands of simultaneous clients 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky13
Advising The File System Can use posix_fadvise() –Tells file system how the app will access data Starting at an offset for some number of bytes Allows file system to better manage the memory cache –Few OS’s support this API Not present in MacOS X 10.3, FreeBSD 6.0, NetBSD 3.0, OpenBSD 3.8, AIX 5.1, HP-UX 11, IRIX 6.5, OSF/1 5.1, Solaris 10, Cygwin 1.5.x, mingw, Interix 3.5, BeOS. Present in others but ignored (e.g.,OpenSolaris) –So, for now, consider it Linux specific Or using HP/UX /16/200914Andrew Hanushevsky
posix_fadvise() Details #include int posix_fadvise(int fd, off_t offset, off_t len, int advice); Advice: POSIX_FADV_NORMAL Standard processing POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL Doubles the read-ahead size for entire file POSIX_FADV_RANDOM Disables read-ahead for entire file POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED Initiates block read for specified byte range (also see readahead()) POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED Discards cached file pages in specified byte range POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE Data will not be used again Problematic, some OS’s support this, some ignore it (e.g., Linux) 10/16/200915Andrew Hanushevsky
If It Were So Simple... Application data framework complications –Databases like mySQL –Persistency frameworks like root Most HEP applications use one or more –Actual disk device is hidden –Hard if not impossible to directly apply advice What to do? 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky16
Databases & Performance Translate advice to schema development –Avoid wide tables when not needed Increases payload of only some data wanted –Use indices for sparsely accessed rows Allows database to optimize access –Normalize the tables within reason Keep related data together 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky17
Frameworks & Performance Know how framework lays out data –This is the most difficult part Consult framework experts –Carefully construct your data objects Keep useful payload as large as possible –Be cognizant of any compression done by framework –Cluster related payloads as much as possible –Avoid scattered references This reduces widely spaced random reads 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky18
Conclusions Be aware you’re dealing with mechanics –Disks are slow and unwieldy devices Overlap I/O and CPU as much as possible –Choose algorithms that make this possible This also requires deft multi-threading Carefully layout your data –Keep in mind the database and framework Use the advice in this section 10/16/2009Andrew Hanushevsky19