Taskforce Recommendations – CTE Faculty 13. Increase the pool of qualified CTE instructors by addressing CTE faculty recruitment and hiring practices. 14. Consider options for meeting minimum qualifications to better integrate industry professionals who possess significant experience into CTE instructional programs. 15. Enhance professional development opportunities for CTE faculty to maintain industry and program relevance. 16. Explore solutions to attract industry professionals in high-salaried occupations to become CTE faculty in community colleges.
“Addressing CTE teacher and faculty shortages will be critical to training CTE students who have the knowledge and skills to qualify for the available positions that employers are desperate to fill.”
CTE Faculty are almost always subject matter experts but rarely have instructional/pedagogical methods training to help them to develop lesson plans, manage classrooms, address learning styles and academic deficiencies, while supporting a diverse group of students often with special populations. (Kerna, 2012; Shulock and Moore, 2013).
Traditional teacher training often does not work for CTE faculty and their specific students (Bruening, et al. 2001, Lynch 1998). Prospective faculty can often be paid much higher outside of education using the skills and expertise that they have. (Sims 2010, Lewis 2001)
Taskforce Recommendations – CTE Faculty #13 Increase the pool of qualified CTE instructors by addressing CTE faculty recruitment and hiring practices. Equivalency Practices Regionalization Teacher Training and Mentorship Industrial Partnership
Taskforce Recommendations – CTE Faculty #14 Consider options for meeting minimum qualifications to better integrate industry professionals who possess significant experience into CTE instructional programs. Equivalency Practices Regionalization
Minimum Qualifications By law (Ed Code 87359b): Every district must have an equivalency process “[t]he process, as well as criteria, and standards by which the governing board reaches its determination regarding faculty members shall be developed and agreed upon jointly by representatives of the governing board and the academic senate, and approved by the governing board.” …equivalency means “qualifications that are at least equivalent to the minimum qualifications,” neither the Ed Code nor Title 5 provide any further guidelines for what constitutes “at least equivalent.”
Minimum Qualifications The Academic Senate has interpreted “at least equivalent” to mean of the same breadth and depth of knowledge The universal minimum requirement for all disciplines includes at least an associate’s degree. Equivalency depends on the nature of the experience and the ability to document the connection between the experience and the requirement of qualification.
Minimum Qualifications …applicants who are granted equivalency and subsequently hired retain that status for their entire career in the district that granted the equivalency. The three means of demonstrating equivalency are coursework, work experience, and eminence. Eminence is not specified in current law, it is not prohibited
Taskforce Recommendations – CTE Faculty#15 Enhance professional development opportunities for CTE faculty to maintain industry and program relevance.
Professional Development Issues: Content experts – with no teaching experience Lack confidence to teach CTE teacher prep programs in decline or non- existent Pro Dev Educational programs use models/jargon beyond knowledge of new CTE faculty Must design lessons that include problem/project based learning Align curriculum with industry needs
Ideas from Other States Oregon: State mandated mentoring programs Mentors MUST be trained by a state approved program Instructor Appraisal Committee Comprised of reps from business/industry, school district, the Regional CTE coordinator, and the Oregon DOE Evaluates qualifications and recommends to the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission for teaching license with appropriate CTE endorsement Online course for CTE teacher preparation Targeted towards those working FT in industry and wish to take PT classes toward teaching degree Courses focus on classroom management, special populations and instruction
Taskforce Recommendations – CTE Faculty #16 Explore solutions to attract industry professionals in high-salaried occupations to become CTE faculty in community colleges.
Attracting Industry Professionals Prospective faculty can often be paid much higher outside of education using the skills and expertise that they have. (Sims 2010, Lewis 2001) Industrial Partnership Trade Obligation Summer Stipends Research and Contract Ed