Slide Study for Lab Practical Histology
8 slides Study location & function also On epi tissue: find apical surface & basement membrane then determine shape & layers Epithelial Tissue 8 slides Study location & function also
Simple Squamous Single row of flat cells
Simple Cuboidal
Simple Columnar
Psuedostratified Columnar Looks like layers but not distinct rows
Stratified Squamous
Stratified Cuboidal
Reminder: look at apical surface for shape Stratified Columnar
Transitional Does not have any particular pattern
Practice on Epithelial Tissues Answers at end of section
Answers 1 – transitional 2 – stratified columnar 3 – simple squamous 4 – simple cuboidal 5 – stratified squamous 6 – simple columnar 7 – psuedostratified columnar 8 – stratified cuboidal
Connective Tissue Slides On CT: find the one or two main features that let you ID the tissue
Areolar Long dark fibers
Adipose Large empty looking cells
Reticular Short dark fibers
Elastic CT Wavy stretchy looking fibers
Elastic Cartilage Cartilages are the only ones that have lacunae!! Lacunae (circles that contain cells) surrounded by matrix Elastic Cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage Lacunae (circles that contain cells) surrounded by matrix – This cartilage has more matrix than elastic cartilage
Fibrocartilage Lacunae (circles that contain cells) surrounded by matrix – This cartilage has even more matrix than hyaline cartilage
Compact (Osseous) Bone Circles like tree rings – called osteons
Spongy (Cancellous) Bone Looks like surface of a sponge Spongy (Cancellous) Bone
Dense Irregular Fibers run in no particular direction
Dense Regular Fibers only run in one direction
CT Practice
Answers 1. reticular 2. hyaline cartilage 3. fibrocartilage 4. elastic cartilage 5. osseous bone 6. areolar 7. blood 8. adipose 9. cancellous bone 10. dense irregular 11. dense regular 12. elastic CT
Muscle & Nervous Tissue
Skeletal Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Nervous Tissue
Practice Answers at end
Answers 1. nervous tissue 2. cardiac muscle 3. skeletal muscle 4. smooth muscle