The “youngest” Ia SNR in the Galaxy. The best to study early phase of Type Ia Cosmic Ray acceleration at the Shell The best to study the cosmic ray origin The best mission is Suzaku, because it has High Efficiency, Spectral Resolution, and low Noise Memorial Picture of the 1000 years birth day SN 1006: an interesting remnant for Suzaku Katsuji Koyama, Department of Physics, Kyoto University SN1006 : Historical Galactic SNR, Type Ia SN N e t~2×10 9 cm -3 s (Vink et al. 2000, 2003) Kepler, Tycho~10 10 cm -3 s Extreme NEI: Low ISM density (n < 0.1 cm -3 ) SN1006 : b = +14.6, Kepler : b = +6.8, Tycho : b = +1.4
Thermal Emission Suzaku ‥ 4-pointings Covers all the SN1006 (d ~ 30’) region The spectrum from the SE quadrant is OVII band SE spectra Black : FI-CCD Red : BI-CCD Detection of a Clear Fe-K Line E ~ 6.43 keV → Fe XVII (Ne-like) Fe-K band
The keV band: Mg, Si, S Lines 1 -component plasma is rejected Si: ΔE = 40 eV If Thermal Doppler Boarding kT Si = 13 MeV 15,000 km/s shock speed Black : FI Red : BI Mg Si S ~ 40eV Hα measurement v s = 2890 km/s 2- kTe, 1-net Plasma × 2- n e t, 1-kT Plasma ○ kTe = 1.2 ( ) keV n e t 1 = 1.3 ( )×10 10 n e t 2 = 7.4 ( )×10 8 metal abundance > solar → Mg, Si, S : ejecta origin χ 2 /d.o.f. = 393/332
The Oxygen Band 820eV 730eV 730eV = (3s→2p) 820eV = (3d→2p) But need very strong 730 eV K-shell transition series : Kδ, ε, ζ Extremely NEI Low kT ~0.6 keV Medium n e t ~ O: solar
Broad Band Spectrum 1 kT e = 1.2 ( ) keV, n e t = 1.3×10 10, Si over abundance 2 kT e = 1.5 ( ) keV, n e t = 7.4×10 8, Fe over abundance 3 kT e =0.54 ( ) keV, n e t= 6.7×10 9, O solar abundance 4 Power-law of Γ= 2.9 ( ) Fit with the Initial parameters of kT=1.2 keV n e t 1 = 1.3×10 10 n e t 2 = 7.4×10 8 and, kT ~0.6 keV n e t= 6.7×10 9 Free Abundances. Then the results are;
Interpretation of the thermal spectra 1: Ejecta of reverse shock with Early heating 2: Ejecta of Reverse shock with late heating 3: ISM : Forward shock 4: Non-thermal components (same as the rim) Ejecta 1Ejecta 2 C O Ne Mg SiS Ca Fe C O Ne Mg Si S Ca Fe Large Si, SLarge Ca, Fe (Nomoto el al. 1984)
Non Thermal rim XIS-Fit Power-law SRCUT SRCUT -SW SRCUT -NE Single Power-law: Rejected Roll-off frequency is accurately determined NE:6.58( ) SW:4.74( ) ASCA+RXTE NE: 3.3 ( )10 17 SW:2.3 ( ) Chandra 2.6( )
HXD (PIN) Observations of Non Thermal Emission (NE & SW Rims) Pointi ngs
Summary Non-thermal Thermal (ISM) Roll-off (10 16 Hz) E.M. (10 56 ) NE6.58( ) 1.09( ) SW4.74( )2.24( ) Total 5.68( ) 3.41( ) Roll-off = 1.6 ×10 16 (B/10μG)(E e /10 TeV) NESW Electron Energy (TeV) ( B=40μG ) ISM Density (10-3/cc)