WORK – Report Summary and Samples JULY 2012
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 2 Manage Supplier Contracts Report NamePurpose Page Air Savings Detail Monitor negotiated airfare savings by traveler 6 Air Savings Summary Evaluate savings form booking negotiated airfares 7 Car Rental Savings Detail Monitor negotiated car rental rate savings by traveler 8 Car Rental Savings Summary Evaluate savings from booking negotiated car rates 9 Fee Allocator Detail Monitor booking fees by traveler 10 Hotel Savings Detail Monitor negotiated hotel rate savings by traveler 11 Hotel Savings Summary Evaluate savings from booking negotiated hotel rates 12 Online Vs offline Savings Summary Assess cost savings by market from booking online 13 Travel Summary Analyze overall company spend and trends 14 Table of Contents Manage Supplier Contracts : > Monitor usage of preferred suppliers by supplier type > Identify overall savings for Amex or Client Negotiated rates to prove saving achieved through travel program Monitor negotiated air, car and hotel suppliers. Analyze overall company spend and trends Assess cost savings from booking online Monitor negotiated air, car and hotel suppliers. Analyze overall company spend and trends Assess cost savings from booking online
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 3 Assess Interactive Booking Effectiveness Report NamePurpose Page Call Detail Report Determine which travelers require assistance and what type of service they are being provided.15 Call Summary ReportIdentify the total number of calls received per service provided16 Reject Detail ReportDetermine which travelers require assistance with online bookings17 Reject Summary Report Identify the total number of calls received requiring assistance with online bookings18 Transaction Touch Report Provides the number transactions where agent intervention was required, grouped by the type of intervention (no touch, light touch, etc)19 Interactive Booking Effectiveness Reports: > Identify the number and type of calls made to service centers to aid in predicting staffing needs and determining if client education is required to further adopt online usage Table of Contents Identify which travelers contact agents and what changes are made to PNRs Predict resource staffing needs based on call volumes Identify which travelers contact agents and what changes are made to PNRs Predict resource staffing needs based on call volumes
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 4 Manage Supplier Programs Report NamePurpose Page Airline Share by Market Pair SummaryAnalyze spend and carrier usage by market pair20 Car Rental by City DetailMonitor traveler usage of preferred car rental agencies by city21 Car Rental by City SummaryAnalyze car rental spend and supplier usage by city22 Carrier Summary by O&D Market ShareEvaluate carrier usage based on O&D market share23 Carrier Summary by SpendEvaluate carrier usage based on spend24 Hotel Chain by City DetailMonitor traveler usage of preferred hotels by city25 Hotel Chain by City SummaryAnalyze hotel spend and supplier usage by city26 Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts : > Ensure there are contracts in key market pairs/cities > Confirm contracts exist for top market pairs/cities Table of Contents Analyze air spend and carrier usage by market or O&D Analyze car and hotel spend and supplier usage by city Analyze air spend and carrier usage by market or O&D Analyze car and hotel spend and supplier usage by city
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 5 Manage Travel Policy Report NamePurpose Page Advance Purchase DetailMonitor advance purchase behavior by traveler27 Advance Purchase SummaryEvaluate advance purchase behavior company-wide28 Class of Service DetailEvaluate traveler behavior by class of service29 Class of Service SummaryEvaluate company -wide class of service usage30 GHG Emission DetailEvaluate CO2 emissions resulting from company travel31 Lost Hotel Opportunity DetailMonitor overnight air bookings without hotel booking by traveler32 Lost Hotel Opportunity SummaryAssess overnight air travel, without hotel bookings33 Non-Refundable Usage DetailMonitor non-refundable ticket usage by traveler34 Non-Refundable Usage SummaryEvaluate overall usage of non-refundable tickets35 Online Adoption DetailMonitor online booking usage by traveler36 Online Adoption SummaryEvaluate online booking behavior, company-wide37 Reason Code DetailEvaluate traveler behavior by reason code38 Reason Code SummaryAssess bookings by reason code, company-wide39 Refund DetailMonitor refunds by traveler40 Travel Destination DetailMonitor destinations by traveler to negotiate insurance premiums41 Travel Destination SummaryAssess company travel by destination to negotiate insurance premiums42 Traveler Activity SummaryMonitor overall spend by traveler43 Trip DetailMonitor individual trip spend by traveler44 Assess Program Policy: > Evaluate and monitor compliance with travel policy, per traveler or company-wide in multiple categories to continue striving for improved results Table of Contents Assess company policy compliance in the following areas: Advanced purchase behavior Class of service Hotel opportunity Reason codes Refunds Assess company policy compliance in the following areas: Advanced purchase behavior Class of service Hotel opportunity Reason codes Refunds
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 6 Air Savings Detail Manage Supplier Contracts Report NameDescriptionPurpose Air Savings DetailProvides itinerary details, savings achieved, and the negotiated rate applied for each traveler. Compares to best available rate in the marketplace. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Monitor negotiated airfare savings by traveler Quick Tip: Using Net Savings Achieved and Net Savings Opportunity, quickly identify travelers who did or did not book the negotiated rate
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 7 Air Savings Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Air Savings SummarySummarizes the number of tickets booked and savings achieved with each carrier, grouped by the negotiated rate applied. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Evaluate company savings from booking negotiated airfares Quick Tip: Compare Savings Achieved to Lost Opportunity to gauge how well the company books negotiated rates Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 8 Car Rental Savings Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Car Rental Savings Detail Shows savings achieved per traveler by comparing the negotiated rate applied for each car booking by rental agency to the best available rate in the marketplace at the time. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Monitor negotiated car rental rate savings by traveler Quick Tip: Using Savings Achieved and Savings Opportunity, quickly identify travelers who did or did not book the negotiated rate Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 9 Car Rental Savings Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Car Rental Savings Summary Shows savings achieved by comparing total # of car bookings by car rental agency versus best available rate, grouped by negotiated rate applied. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Evaluate savings from booking negotiated car rates Quick Tip: Compare Car Savings Achieved against the best available rate in the marketplace for two time periods Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 10 Fee Allocator Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Fee Allocator Detail Used to manage the Fee Allocator program by providing itinerary details and transaction fee amounts processed during a given calendar or ARC month Monitor booking fees by traveler Quick Tip: Using Transaction Fee Type and Transaction amount, identify travelers not using lost cost methods of booking (e.g. interactive) Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 11 Hotel Savings Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Hotel Savings Detail Shows savings achieved per traveler by comparing the negotiated rate applied for each hotel booking by chain name to the best available rate in the marketplace at the time. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Monitor negotiated hotel rate savings by traveler Quick Tip: Using Savings Achieved and Savings Opportunity, quickly identify travelers who did or did not book the negotiated rate Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 12 Hotel Savings Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Hotel Savings Summary Shows savings achieved by comparing total # of hotel bookings by chain name versus best available rate, grouped by negotiated rate applied. Includes Amex, Client or Other negotiated rates. Evaluate savings from booking negotiated hotel rates Quick Tip: Compare Savings Achieved against the best available rate in the marketplace for two time periods Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 13 Online vs Offline Savings Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Online vs. Offline Savings Summary Summarizes the amount saved through online bookings by providing the number of tickets booked and amount spent on market pairs, grouped by those booked online and offline. Assess cost savings by market from booking online Quick Tip: Use Net O&D Savings to identify top market pairs with most cost savings by booking online. Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 14 Travel Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Travel SummaryAnalyze drivers of program spending with a summary of travel spend on air, rail, hotel and car, including savings obtained and savings lost, grouped by domestic /international bookings Analyze overall company spend and trends Manage Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 15 Call Detail Report ReportDescriptionPurpose Call Detail ReportAnalyze possible cost reductions with a detail report of each call to a service center by traveler or travel arranger, including the reservation type and service provided Determine which travelers require assistance and what type of service they are being provided Interactive Booking Effectiveness
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 16 ReportDescriptionPurpose Call Summary Report Summarizes all calls received by agents and provides reservation type and service provided allowing clients to determine cost for incoming call transactions and/or changes Identify the total number of calls received per service provided Call Summary Report Interactive Booking Effectiveness
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 17 ReportDescriptionPurpose Reject Detail Report Detail of each call made to a service center due to an incomplete online booking. This report will also show where an agent intervened and what the type of assistance was required Determine which travelers require assistance with online bookings Reject Detail Report Interactive Booking Effectiveness
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 18 ReportDescriptionPurpose Reject Summary Report Summary of all online transactions where agent support was required Identify the total number of calls received requiring assistance with online bookings Reject Summary Report Interactive Booking Effectiveness
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 19 ReportDescriptionPurpose Transaction touch report Summarizes the number of calls made to a service center, grouped by service level required (No Touch, Light Touch, and Manual Intervention Transactions) Identify the number transactions where agent intervention was required, grouped by the type of intervention Transaction Touch Report Interactive Booking Effectiveness
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 20 Airline Share by Market Pair Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Airline Share by Market Pair Summary Aids in managing and negotiating preferred contracts by providing percent of O&Ds (tickets) purchased per carrier for each market pair Analyze spend and carrier usage by market pair Quick Tip: Use Net # of O&Ds % to identify carriers flown the most for a specific market pair Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 21 Car Rental by City Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Car rental by City Detail Monitors traveler adherence to preferred car rental vendor policy by providing car rental details by traveler. Report capabilities allow for viewing of two time periods Monitor traveler usage of preferred car rental agencies by city. Quick Tip: Identify travelers booking with non-preferred vendors - or - assess by city, which vendors are booked the most Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 22 Car Rental by City Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Car Rental by City Summary Aids in managing and negotiating preferred contracts by summarizing the total number of car rental bookings and total spend per rental agency, by city. Report capabilities allow for viewing of two time periods Analyze car rental spend and supplier usage by city Quick Tip: Compare car rental spend by city and vendor for two time periods Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 23 Carrier Summary by O&D Market Share ReportDescriptionPurpose Carrier Summary by O&D Market Share Identify trends in market share over time by viewing total number of O&Ds (tickets) purchased per carrier Evaluate carrier usage based on O&D market share Quick Tip: Compare the Net # of O&Ds per time period to identify trends over time in booking with preferred carriers. Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 24 Carrier Summary by Spend ReportDescriptionPurpose Carrier Summary by Spend Identify trends in share by carrier over time by viewing total spend per carrier. Evaluate carrier usage based on spend Quick Tip: Compare the Net Ticket Amount spent per time period to aid in negotiating contracts Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 25 Hotel Chain by City Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Hotel Chain by City Detail Monitors traveler adherence to preferred hotel chain policy by providing hotel booking details by traveler. Monitor traveler usage of preferred hotels by city Quick Tip: Sort by hotel chain to identify travelers booking with non-preferred vendors - or - assess by city, which vendors are booked the most Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 26 Hotel Chain by City Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Hotel Chain by City Summary Aids in managing and negotiating preferred contracts by providing total number of hotel bookings and total spend by hotel and city. Report capabilities allow for viewing of two time periods Analyze hotel spend and supplier usage by city Quick Tip: Compare the percent of hotel reservations by city and chain for two time periods Negotiate Preferred Supplier Contracts
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 27 Advance Purchase Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Advance Purchase DetailMonitors traveler adherence to the advanced booking policy by providing at how far in advance of the travel date that individual travelers purchase their tickets. Displays ticket information at a traveler level along with the number of days in advance the trip was booked. Monitor advance purchase behavior by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 28 Advance Purchase Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Advance Purchase Summary Identify trends in program behavior by identifying the total amount booked based on how far in advance of the travel date the tickets were purchased. Information is summarized into groups including 3 days or less, 7 to 13 days and greater than 20 days. Evaluate advance purchase behavior company-wide Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 29 Class of Service Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Class of Service DetailMonitors traveler adherence to the company's class of service policy by providing itinerary details per traveler trip along with the class code and class type of service for the ticket. Evaluate traveler behavior by class of service Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 30 Class of Service Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Class of Service SummaryIdentify class of service booking trends over time by comparing the number of tickets booked and amount spent per class of service (i.e. First, Business, Coach). Evaluate company -wide class of service usage Quick Tip: Use Net Number of Tickets Variance % to monitor if booking First or Business class is up (or down) over time Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 31 GHG Emission Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose GHG Emission DetailMonitor a company's carbon footprint based on the mileage and carbon emissions factor for each individual ticket. Evaluate CO2 emissions resulting from company travel * Source of emission factors and flight distance definitions: Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative – calculations tools for calculating CO2 emissions for business travel. GHG Protocol tool conversion factors are based on Emission Factors for short haul and long haul flights provided by UK DEFRA (Table 9, Annexes to Guidelines for Company Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, updated July 2005 – Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 32 Lost Hotel Opportunity Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Lost Hotel Opportunity DetailMonitor traveler's adherence to hotel booking policy by reporting on individual travelers who purchased an air/rail ticket with an overnight stay but with no associated hotel booking Monitor overnight air bookings without hotel booking by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 33 Lost Hotel Opportunity Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Lost Hotel Opportunity Summary Identify total lost savings for hotel bookings by summarizing the number of tickets for air/rail bookings with an overnight stay which have no associated hotel booking Assess overnight air travel, without hotel bookings Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 34 Non-Refundable Usage Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Non-Refundable Usage Detail Monitor traveler adherence to non-refundable usage policy by viewing individual traveler’s itinerary information and ticket amount along with a refundable indicator code. Monitor non-refundable ticket usage by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 35 Non-Refundable Usage Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Non-Refundable Usage Summary Identify refundable ticket purchasing trends over time by viewing the number of tickets booked (and amount spent) for refundable and non- refundable tickets. Report capabilities allow for viewing of two time periods Evaluate overall usage of non- refundable tickets Quick Tip: Use Net # of Tickets Variance % to understand if refundable ticket purchasing is up or down over time Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 36 Online Adoption Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Online Adoption DetailIdentify which travelers book tickets online or offline, by viewing individual traveler’s itinerary information and ticket amount along with a booking indicator (online or offline) Monitor online booking usage by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 37 Online Adoption Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Online Adoption SummaryIdentify trends in online booking by comparing the number of tickets booked online and offline and total amount spent over time. Report capabilities allow for viewing of two time periods Evaluate online booking behavior, company-wide Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 38 Reason Code Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Reason Code DetailIdentify trends in out of policy booking behavior by monitoring individual traveler’s itinerary details, fare amount, and reason code used for fare selection Evaluate traveler behavior by reason code Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 39 Reason Code Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Reason Code SummaryCompare out of policy booking behavior over time by comparing the amount spent and number of tickets booked by reason code Assess bookings by reason code, company-wide Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 40 Refund Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Refund DetailMonitor traveler's refund behavior by viewing the exchange/refund details for individual tickets Monitor refunds by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 41 Travel Destination Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Travel Destination DetailEstablish insurance premiums per traveler by reviewing details of cities and countries traveled from/to by individual travelers, including number of days spent in each country Monitor destinations by traveler to negotiate insurance premiums Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 42 Travel Destination Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Travel Destination SummaryEstablish insurance premiums by reviewing a summary of the number of trips and number of days spent in each country traveled to/from. Assess company travel by destination to negotiate insurance premiums Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 43 Traveler Activity Summary ReportDescriptionPurpose Traveler Activity SummaryIdentify travelers who spend the most per trip by reviewing individual traveler amounts for air, hotel and car along with itinerary details and reason codes. Monitor overall spend by traveler Assess Program Policy
This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion of these materials may be made without the expressed written consent of American Express. © 2011 American Express Company 44 Trip Detail ReportDescriptionPurpose Trip DetailProvides individual traveler amounts for air, hotel and car along with itinerary details and reason codes. Monitor individual trip spend by traveler Quick Tip: Sort by Total Net Trip Cost to identify travelers who spend the most per trip Assess Program Policy