Welcome to Travel Incorporated’s Concur ‘Experienced User’ Webinar
What’s Cool! What’s New! What’s On Your Mind!
What’s New Shop by Fares Enhancement – Coming soon Preferred icons replaced by text Air/Rail Search Tab Compare Feature Removed You will no longer see the Compare tab under the search results. Concur removed this feature in January. JetBlue JetBlue – Back in WorldSpan as GDS carrier Microsoft IE v.8 and v.9 Browser Support ended Feb 12,
What’s New Shop by Fares Enhancement – Icon replaced by text The change will only affect the Shop by Fares tab. No changes on the Shop by Schedule tab Mobile app Hotel /Car only search In the lower-left corner, the "preferred" icons have been changed to text. If custom text has been added, that text will display on the search results page Current View Enhanced View
What’s New Coming Soon With the enhancement of the Shop by Fares Tab, Concur will be replacing the preference level, LLF and Wi-Fi icons with the following text. The change will affect all the results pages (air/car/hotel/rail/ground), except Flex Faring. Text for Most Preferred will be: Most Preferred Vendor Text for Preferred will be: Preferred Vendor Text for Less Preferred will be: Less Preferred Vendor Text for E-Receipts will be: E-Receipt enabled Text for LLF will be: Least cost logical fare *The mobile app will continue showing the icons for the time being.
What’s New Coming Soon Concur will be making several look-and-feel enhancements with the Rail Search tab and the Air/Rail Search tab. The tab will be renamed to Mixed Flight / Train Search. The Round trip, One-way and Multi- segment options are now buttons instead of round, radio buttons.
What’s New Coming Soon The Rail Search tab will be renamed Train Search If there are multiple carriers, they appear in a drop list.
What’s New After the user clicks Search on the Mixed Flight / Train Search tab, the "please stand by" page appears. The page now reads Searching for flights and trains or if Searching on the Train Search tab, the "please stand by" page will read Searching Train Fares. The Trip Summary and Review and Reserve pages will also reflect the updated text.
What’s Cool Booking Multi-segment Trips Concur offers the user the option to search and book multi-segment flights. Multi-segment selection provides the user convenience of building multi- segment trip within one record.
What’s On Your Mind How are seat assignments determined? (Airline status, profile preference, accessing the seat map) Will I receive my Frequent Traveler Points? How does Concur process upgrades?
What’s On your Mind Auto-Cancellations What causes a reservation to auto-cancel? Time line for auto cancellations Air vs car/hotel only reservations When to start over in a new reservation CVV requirements for TravelFusion carriers
Thank you for attending Travel Incorporated’s Concur ‘Experienced User’ Webinar. You can find upcoming webinar information in your Corporate Travel Portal, Concur Company Notes page, or Globalsite!