Early Signs of Labor “Show” or “Bloody Show”: losing the mucus plug Plug seals cervix Prevents bacteria from spreading Liquefies before birth Drops of blood or pinkish stain Membrane breaks: gush of warm fluid Note time, amount, color, odor Call MD Contractions: tightening and releasing of muscles of uterus
False vs Real Labor False: feel strong contractions but: Are not regular or rhythmic Do not become increasingly stronger Real: contractions follow a regular pattern and grow in intensity
Stages of Labor 1. contractions open the cervix 2. baby is born 6-18 hrs first, 2-5 hrs later 2. baby is born 1-2 hrs first, 15-30 mins later 3. placenta is expelled 10-30 mins
Stage 1 Cervix tightens and opens w/contractions Get longer and close together Mom becomes more serious and focused Needs support from her coach Ends in transition: cervix is fully dialated
Stage 2 Pelvic bones stretch because of hormone called relaxin Also makes the vagina stretch Baby’s skull is flexible and can become longer and narrower to fit through birth canal Episiotomy-widens opening
Stage 3 Small period of rest Push and deliver placenta Any parts of placenta left, can cause bleeding, infection, or serious illness
Cesarean Birth Surgical incision in abdomen Stay in hospital about 3 days 6 weeks recovery
The Newborn at Birth Lungs are collapsed in uterus Umbilical cord Delivery-fill with amniotic fluid Squeezed down birth canal, fluid pushed out Takes first breath when out of birth canal Can be suctioned out Umbilical cord Stops pulsing and shrinks mins after birth Clamp, tie, cut off
How does the newborn look? Head wobbly and large, lopsided or pointed Fontanels: open spaces where skull bones are not joined yet, “soft spots” Join between 6-18 months Fat cheeks, short flat nose, receding chin Eyes: dark grayish blue, permanent color few months later Vernix: creamy substance in folds of skin Baby acne: plugged ducts from mom’s hormones
Activity Make a chart or diagram detailing the Stages of Labor You may use a book and your notes