Tuesday, March 15, :00 -11:30 am P2P School/Unit Advisory Group Meeting
Agenda Communications Update Procurement Glossary Procurement Process Overview Establishing Procurement Authority Procurement Contract Options Exchange and Hosted / Punch-out Vendor Purchasing Process Procurement Under $5,000 Overview Procurement $5,000 to $50,000 Overview Procurement Over $50,000 Overview COA Training 2
“Build a single, modern Enterprise Resource Planning system that will serve as the information technology foundation for the entire University and its administrative and student systems.” – President’s 2015 Report to the University Senate Envisioning Tomorrow’s University
Objectives Integrated framework aligning communications at university, individual project levels Raise awareness, understanding re: case for change, business process implications and long-term benefits Galvanize staff, faculty and students across academic centers/campuses and central administration to foster collaboration and more efficient operations Strategic Approach Build a solid foundation of communications resources and materials Establish steady flow of relevant, timely, accurate communications to inform and engage Create new environments to exchange information and foster dialogue; leverage existing infrastructure, platforms Change Management: Communications
Hiring Communications Director Strategic framework Align on objectives Branding Narrative/message, core materials, tactical develop. Stakeholder engagement (inform) Construct Web, electronic elements Plan & Build Launch Web, electronic elements (Web site, pages; e- news, , social media) Initiate Speakers’ Bureau and events Stakeholder engagement (activate) Execute Online, electronic, in- personal expansion Storytelling Stakeholder engagement (intensify) Amplify Now Strategic “Campaign” Approach Jun.-Oct. Apr.-May
Align Tactics with Key Needs TacticAwarenessTransparency Strategic Integration EngagementFeedback Loop Web site Town Halls Speakers’ Bureau Stakeholder Meetings E-newsletter/ Digital Communications Social media Suite of materials
Next Steps Coordinate with academic units, campus community and project communications people Join communicators’ networks and enlist their support and engagement Solicit, integrate stakeholder feedback in planning Develop narrative and core message 7
Requisitioning Process Overview 8
Procurement Glossary Requisition – formal method by which a department requests the purchase of goods or services. Presently, this is done in either RIAS or MarketPlace. Procurement Authority – as per Rutgers Purchasing Policy, the required process followed and/or documentation needed to justify any purchase of goods or services. Existing Authority – the concept of procurement authority already in place that would allow for the processing of a PO (e.g., previously procured RFP contract, State Contract, GPO contract). Matching Quote – the Procurement Authority needed in support of a purchase valued at $5,000 or less. Informal Bid – a process utilized to procure goods and services valued between $5,000 – 50,000; thus establishing procurement authority for the purchase. Sole Source – process by which procurement authority is establish through justification of an exception to the bidding requirements for purchases in excess of $5,000. RFP (Formal Bid) – a process utilized to procure goods and services valued in excess of $50,000; thus establishing procurement authority for the purchase. 9
Establishing Procurement Authority Under $5,000$5,000-$50,000$50,000- $1,000,000Over $1,000,000 Matching Quote XX Informal Bid (3 Quotes) XXX Formal Bid (RFP Process) XX XX Sole Source XXXX ** NJ State Contract XXXX Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Contract X XXX 10 Legend: XX - Preferred Policy Requirement X - Alternative Policy Requirement ** - BOG Approval Required
Procurement Contract Options 11 Rutgers Purchase Order Rutgers Contract Supplier Contract
Requisitioning Process: Under $5,000 12
Exchange and Hosted / Punch-out Vendor Purchasing Process 13
Requisitioning Process: $5,000-$50,000 14
Requisitioning Process: Greater than $50,000 15