Meet the Teacher 2015
Welcome Welcome to the new academic year! Keep up to date with the Newsletter every week to make sure you are up to date on the latest news.
Who is supporting your child? We are lucky to have many professionals working alongside the class teachers to deliver high quality teaching and learning in every area of the curriculum. Teachers, TA’s, Mr Tristram Peattie, specialist support staff, art and SKiL. All children are likely to receive interventions at some point during their school time. If your child is receiving extra support for a sustained period, you will be invited to come for a consultation about it.
Home learning Reading at home – Please promote the joy of reading! It is vital that you are supporting your child at home with high quality texts it supports your child in every aspect of their learning. Maths homework – One piece every week. Support your child by ensuring they understand number bonds and times tables. Try to promote a positive attitude towards maths and remember that getting the wrong answer is only a bad thing if they didn’t try. There is a challenge folder if they wish to take more homework. All children who know their tables and number bonds well will find maths easier. We are in a situation where teachers are expected to teach very specific spelling, grammar and punctuation rules. The Children will be given Weekly Grammar homework, which will usually be given out on Thursday, and due in the next Wednesday. Spellings sent home every week are based either on a national programme of learning or on spelling rules we have covered in class. They will be tested on this at the end of each week, and these skills are included in the SATs test.
Reading Reading is often the key to opening up every aspect of the curriculum.. This is where your help is invaluable! How to help?!
Maths Homework Home learning is not a competition. It is about supporting each individual in the best way possible, so that they can achieve their personal best. The value of 30 minutes additional work will support your child hugely with their progress and learning. Homework will always be linked to the topic we are covering and what I am sending, they will be able to do independently. It will not be new work. If they are truly stuck or become distressed and you are unsure how to help, please stop and talk to me asap.
Tables S_SJ7I_Msib-Nj-zgROaicmyqA8 Once children are familiar with them as a pattern, it is very useful if you challenge them with random tables questions or problems. Make it FUN! There are loads of games online or that you can set up at home.
Resources to support! I will update the website and send useful resources home throughout the year!
Here are a few more… 9S_SJ7I_Msib-Nj-zgROaicmyqA8 9S_SJ7I_Msib-Nj-zgROaicmyqA8 anny-prix anny-prix
E-Safety Ask yourself, and yourself, these questions…. What social media should you be using? How do you use the internet safely? Have you set privacy and safety settings on your devices at home? Does your child know your know passwords to any of your electronic devices? Has your child ever used a tablet or computer without permission? Has your child ever been on a website that made them feel upset?
E-Safety E-Safety Websites for Parents
School Website I will put lots of great stuff on here so please check regularly!
Opportunities Don’t forget the trip tomorrow! Clubs - Safety in Action Trip – 8 th October
Thank You! As always, I have an open door policy. Please keep in touch with me. I value the fact that you have come this evening and I hope that it has been useful for you. Individual ‘Parent’s Evening’ slots will be available at the end of Term 1. If you would like to contact me before then regarding any aspect of school please me through the school office.