Chapter 3 Study Guide
Know the definition of Ecology- branch of biology dealing with the interaction among organisms and their environment. Biosphere- the combined portions of the Earth in which all living things exist. Species-Populations-Communities-Ecosystems-Biome-Biosphere Population-all of the members of a particular species that live in one area. Community-simplest grouping of more than one kind of organism.
Ecological models sometimes use mathematical formulas to illustrate their observations. The ultimate source of all energy within an ecosystem is the Sun. Producers (autotrophs) produce their own food from inorganic compounds-such as the sun or chemicals, all green plants are producers. Consumers (heterotrophs) cannot produce their own food. They eat producers or other consumers. Decomposers-obtain nutrients by breaking down dead and decaying plants and animals.
Identify the producer, the consumers, which level has the most energy available? The least? Shark eats the squid that ate the small fish that ate the zooplankton that ate the algae. Algae is producer-greatest amount of energy-100% Zooplankton is first level consumer-10% Small fish are second level consumers-1% Squid is third level consumer-0.1% Shark is fourth level consumer-least amount of energy 0.01% Food Chain-series of steps where organisms eat or get eaten.
Chemosynthetic bacteria-unique that they do not require sunlight to live, get energy from volcanic ocean vents as well as other places. Herbivores-feed only on plants Carnivores-feed only on other animals (meat). Omnivores-feed on both plants and animals. Food Web-all of the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem. How many levels between the sun and the wolf? Biomass-the total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level. Trophic level-each step in the transfer of energy and matter within a food web. Energy not transferred is lost as Heat.
Water Cycle-the repeated movement of water between the earth’s surface and the atmosphere. Nitrogen Cycle-the conversion of Nitrogen gas (N 2 ) into ammonia (NH 3 ) and Nitrates (NO 3 ) and Nitrites (NO 2 ). This process is carried out primarily by: Bacteria, with help from legumes (plants) and decomposers. The process is called Nitrogen Fixation. Carbon Cycle-the repeated movement of carbon between the atmosphere, the ocean, and living organisms. Carbon is stored in three main areas: 1.In the atmosphere as CO 2 2.In the ocean as dissolved CO 2 3. Underground as fossil fuels