Analyzing Characters Hero/Villain
How does an author reveal information about a character? Character’s Thoughts Character’s Words Character’s Actions Info from Others
What are Character Traits? Words that describe a character These include inferences and conclusions a reader make about the character based on the information the author reveals.
What kinds of character traits? Mental-how a character thinks about things Physical- how a character looks and moves Emotional- how a character feels Social- how a character interacts with others
What Type of Trait? An agreeable personality Having a lot of friends Having blue eyes An optimistic view on life
What kind of trait? Having blonde hair Caring about others more than himself Wearing a red shirt Not fitting in with other kids
What info to base traits on? Social Traits- Interactions with other characters in the books, thoughts and feelings of other characters toward them, their thoughts and feelings toward others. Physical Traits- Author’s descriptions, descriptions through other character’s words or thoughts, Character’s actions
What to base traits on? Mental- thoughts of the characters on various subjects, particularly adversity, words of the characters Emotional- Thoughts and words of the character
Miss Meeks or Mrs. Biswell? Patient Unhappy Loving Fun No sense of humor Hates teaching Does not like children Believes the best about people Negative
Donald and Andrew DonaldAndrew
Donald or Andrew? Unselfish Caring Greedy Good and loyal friend Good sport Able to find joy in the success of others Spoiled and values only material things
How do they differ? About how they think about where they live? About how they feel about money? About how they feel about winning/losing? About how they respond to others?
Hero or Villain Protagonist “Weigh the pros and cons of the situation.” Pro= something good, something positive Protagonist- the “hero”, main character, in the story.
Hero or Villain? Antagonist Anti- against something Antonym- opposite of Antagonist- someone who opposes the main character, opposite of the main character. May be many in a story.
Protagonist Donald Zinkoff
Antagonist 4 th Grade Bully- physically opposes the character Mrs. Biswell- physically and verbally opposes the character Andrew- opposite of the main character in personality, but they are “friends”.
Protagonist or Antagonist? Superman Captain Hook Green Goblin Spiderman Cinderella The Joker Batman Peter Pan