FactsFacts And How to Find T hem
A Fact is True Describes Something Tells when it happened Presents some other true statement about a subject
Facts are about: People Places things Time Explanations Ideas
Who? Facts that are the names of people Where? Facts about a place What? Facts about things When? Facts about time How Many / How Much Facts that are numbers or measurements Which? Choose from several possible facts Why? How Do? Explanations
Answering a question What Kind of a Fact? Where to look? Find the Key
Where is Ghana? About how heavy is an elephant? What is a mammal? Who first flew an airplane? Why does the moon shine? Who was the first president of France? What are the three highest mountains in South America?
Key Words and Key Phrases Key words are the most important words in a research question Key phrases are one or more words working together to make a single idea
Sometimes key words are hidden. So you have to look up a synonym for the key word. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing as another word
For example, If you were asked for the most important conflicts during the Twentieth century and there was no listing for “conflict” in the history book, you would look up “war” because conflicts mean wars.
Where to find facts? Reference books General Reference books encyclopediasdictionaryatlasalmanacs Specific reference books
Encyclopedia Set of books Many facts about many people, places, times and things All fields of knowledge Volumes for letters of alphabet Good place to start
Dictionary Facts about common words How to spell, how to say, what it means, where it came from.
Atlas Has tables, and maps Gives facts about places. You must be able to read maps and understand the legends on the maps.
Almanac Has many facts in short articles, tables, lists, and charts. Has many facts for a particular year. Gives many astronomical facts about days, weeks, and months of the year.
To find the answers to questions you will scan and skim Scan: locate information quickly and efficiently by moving their eyes down a page looking for key words and specific facts.
To find the answers to questions you will scan and skim Skim: identify the main ideas of a text by reading the first and last paragraphs and then the first and last sentences of the other paragraphs.
SKIM VS. SCAN Skimming is not looking for specific. Scanning is looking for facts. Skimming requires ideas (complete thoughts) in the reader’s own words. Scanning looks for single words or phrases. Scanning moves the eyes down the page. Skimming moves the eyes across the page.
With Scanning and skimming you can quickly find the answers to all sorts of questions Just remember …they can be your keys to success